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The Divine Prince

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$3.33 per minute$ $60 for basic confirmations and $90 for full and complete readings. I am flexible and open to reasonable negotiation and donation. All is a Blessing in Divine Peace, Love and Community!

I specialize in results! Pan African Spiritualist Author Practitioner and Advisor. Hoodoo / Voodoo Obeah - Bokor High Priest.

Pan African Spiritualist Author Practitioner and Advisor. Hoodoo/Voodoo Obeah-Bokor High Priest. I am the Authentic Hoodoo Obeah High Priest.

I am the Authentic Hoodoo Obeah High Priest
Now let me help;
I specialize in Results!

I have studied Pan-African history, cultures and religions at the university level. I also received National Professional Certification in Customer Service in the early summer before Hurricane Katrina through the National Research Foundation, June 2005 in New Orleans, Louisiana. I have served as Minister of Music and a Gospel singer and pianist since early childhood and have been affiliated with a diverse range of religious Paths and Traditions in my nearly half a century incarnation with Mother Earth. 

Please, do not be fooled by any imitators! I am a Divinely Gifted and Highly favored Hoodoo/Voodoo Obeah-Bokor High Priest. I am a Master Spiritual Light Worker and I will utilize my training and Divine gifts in Crystal Work, Spiritual and Physical Cleansing and Balancing, Life Path Work, Manifesting, Orisha Work, and Mississippi Delta Hoodoo to help you see a clear direction in your life and to remove blocks to your progress. I am humbly here to assist you in any endeavor. The value of my work is in its effectiveness and ability to gain positive, long-lasting results. Do you want to just talk about it OR are you really ready to do something about it and your circumstance?? Psychics can predict but Hoodoo and Obeah get results!!!

I am world renowned and also known by many as the New Orleans Divine Prince, HoodooTyE, VoodooTyE and SadhuTyE. They are only representative of past powerful incarnations as a spiritualist that I have been afforded the Divine Blessing of having access to in this life cycle to utilize in my Ministry. I have been doing Spiritual Work of one form or another since I was in elementary school doing ‘automated-writing’ in the lunch room. I'm formally initiated in a diverse collective of Traditional Pan African based religious Paths and Traditions by The Ancestors with the powerful and sometimes fearful practice of Obeah. I can only tell you the truth; I can only perform the Divine Will of the Universe; this is not always popular but my first commitment is to the spiritual growth and evolution of the persons who seek my services and the Divine Will of the Most High. I will never steer you wrong and if I can’t help you I will refer you to someone else onsite who can help you. I have connections to some of the most powerful practitioners in the South, the country and the world. I specialize in doing battle!

I also teach and pass on the Traditions to those who seek in earnest and are appropriately chosen and prepared during the correct Ceremonies. I presently operate a Working Temple in the beautiful, historic and legendary city of New Orleans.

My Deities are being 'Worked and Fed' on a daily bases. Once again, my first priority is to see and assist people to grow and evolve spiritually and I can and will help you in any way that I can to regain and evolve your own personal power and Divine Connection. I am truly here for you. Divine Will Be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Divine Peace and Blessings, Love, Joy and Tranquility!!

Though you will be receiving powerful spiritual revelation and assistance, this expert advice site has established a ‘For entertainment purposes only’ policy. Know that I Am here for you. However, in accordance with site policies, the client receiving the psychic readings and services is responsible for all of their actions and choices. You have free will, within the confines of your/our Divine Destiny, to make the most of your situation. The client is responsible for their own choices without exception. We are God-body, in the flesh. The High Priest is exempt from any liability for decisions made or actions taken by the client at any time. By purchasing a reading or by clicking hire, you acknowledge that you have read, comprehend and agree with the above disclaimer. Know that All is a Blessing! Ase! I am available 24/7/365/360*

It is of great concern that I provide you with the best of service. If you have any questions or issue that can assist me in my evolving and further developing my service, please do not hesitate to let me know.

I am grateful and humbled by the opportunity to assist you in your endeavors.

I would greatly appreciate knowing what I can do to assist you and to elicit favorable responses and comment ratings.

~The Divine Prince

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