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I do CARE about you and I do want to help you with anything you need help with!! I am an excellent listener and I genuinely want to make the difference in your life!

I am a Clairaudient, Clairsentient, Clairvoyant, Channeling, Empath.

Welcome and Blessings

I am a natural born;

Empath- are able to sense through emotions and feelings.
Clairsentient- is another term frequently applied to empaths.
Clairvoyant- (literally "clear vision") primarily sense through dreams and visions.
Clairaudients- sense things in the form of sounds.
Channels- like mediums are sensitive to spirits, but they may allow a spirit or guide temporary access to their own senses in order to facilitate direct communication.

I have been using a Ouija from the 1980's  

OK she senses  spirits;

Finding my abilities at age 5 when I saw a small man running in front of my apartment after the 1972 Earthquake in California. As time progressed I went on to see things in my home in Glendale, CA at about age 8-9. 


I just love the paranormal!

Love's the field of ghost hunting and spirits.

My life has become a daily journey. My grandmother died in this house in 1990 in 1991 my daughter heard a voice ask her “how are you” downstairs , in 1995 My father came home and was eating dinner when he swung around saying he was tired of it looking at him. My mother looked at him like he was crazy. He proceeded to explain what had been going on at work. Doors closing against the wind, hands on his shoulder, black shadows. This year was horrible for the family, and this thing followed my father from work to our home. We lived there a few more years and moved 3 houses up and this shadow followed us there. I have done a house cleaning and it seem to have calmed but other entities have emerged in this home. EVP and Spirit images have been documented. No matter what I do this house can’t be cleared. 

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