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contact me for psychic attact reading. Fully Initated , Authentic Witch Doctor, Psychic, Medium and Spiritualist

Alternative medicine M.D,Herbology,World Religions,Anthropology,Horticulture and Forestry,Jungle Survivalist,Doctorate Degree Alternative Medical Herbology Sciences,Para-Normal Psychology,Demonology,Para-Normal Sciences

"Maferefun Eleggua!!!"

Very Deep,Extremely Accurate and Detailed Psychic Readings on Love & Relationship , Finance, Jobs, Familys , Spiritual Development and Paths , Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Speak to Your Deceased Loved ones,Learn about someone you love.

Knowing what steps to take to achieve ALL of your Goals in life!

Do you think you have Magic or Evil Done to you, do you feel a Change in yourself? I can Break Any Spell, Or Magic done By anyone, Anyplace, Anytime and bring Clairity,Peace and Harmony BACK into your life!
Magic Spell Breaking
Evil Banishment
Spiritual Cleanings & Baths
Spell Casting WitchCraft & Magic
Send Evil Spells Back to Sender
Devine Spirit & angelic Communications
Magic Herbs & Protections
Gris Gris Bags
Mojo Magic
Working with Spirits of the Ancestors

A Witch Doctor, Tribal Shaman, Healer, Spiritualist Fully initated into Palo Mayombe, Santeria/Lucumi/Ifa, Vodou,Buju,Spiritual healing Crafts

i can help you! im a Fully Initated , Authentic Witch Doctor, Psychic, Medium and Spiritualist - & High Priest for over 15 years working and consulting thousands of people all over the world from Kings & Queens to the Average Joe & Jane, i Work with Clients Guardian Angels and Spiritual Guides to Achieve any goals set before them, i provide extremely ACCURATE, and HONEST Readings and Consultations, i will also provide Solutions to any problem, being able to not only Diagnos a problem but offer you a REAL solution to FIX THEM! We can Work together on your life Path and restore Clairity, Peace and Love Back into your life the choice is very simple, Contact me for a personal Consultation and Reading, making the Wrong Choice with a Consultation,Psychic or Medium can hinder you Negitive and make the situation EVEN Worse then before it will also Confuse you far worse then when you started not to mention if they are WRONG they can Ruin your Positive Path!! , making the Right Choice can Change your life!! So let me Change your life and return things to a balance!

its "EASY" to find someone that is Genuine and REALLY knows what they are doing, ask them about themselves personally, ask them where they learned to Consult people, and what are there Qualifications to do this, How did they learn to consult people, Heal people with Energy ,or Do Spiritual Readings, Who Taught them how to Consult people, or work, and from what Spiritual Path, (Religion,Ect.) , and they should be able to provide you with ligitmate answers of HOW they are Qualified to do this to your expectations, Who taught them is important if they say that there grandmother taught them how to read people let them explain how she is qualified to teach and who taught her ect. , and what Spiritual Lineage line they are from is extremely important also, yes. its REALLY that simple! ALL People need to take the time to find the REAL answers to there PROBLEMS from Qualified Consultants, and not just JUMP on the first person that seems to have the Easy answers, comfort, or a nice face, for them to answer all there problems

15 years Fully Initated Witch Doctor,Santero,Asogwe - Palo Mayombe,Santeria/Lucumi,Vodou,Buju,
5 years Jungle Congo tribal Research(Africa)
3 years Tribal Research Jungle (Amazon Rain Forest)
2 years Tribal Research(Mexico-Costa Rica)
3 years Doctorate Thesis Research (african Congo)
2 years Herbal Doctorate Program Tokyo,Japan (Okyu-Kampo)
15 years High Priest Santeria,Palo Mayombe,Vodou
Currently Writing a Book on Spirituality & mediumship - Monthly Seminars and Spiritual Retreat Programs available.

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