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Are you want to know about your love or arrange life? If yes. Call me.
I Specialize In Psychic Astrology Readings. I am the Second Generation Spiritualist.
Accurate astrology charts and psychic readings. clairvoyant, spiritual cleansings, energy balance, spiritual counselor, emotional release therapy, aura cleansings, relations gay & lesbian issues, energy healing by spiritual meditation, occuit magickal, spell removal, blockage removal, relationships, marriage, love, family, health, emotional pain, career, financial worries, i help in all areas. if you are not ready for the truth then i am not the one to speak with. My Price's for all Spiritual Meditation Healing Range From $ 75.00 $140.00 $180.00 For Level 1 2 3 Cleansings. All Other Professional Cleansings Range From $500.00 to $5000.00. you can contact me live for a session.
I have 25 years experience in professional astrology readings.and feel i am 99% accurate.I specialize in psychic readings, love reading, tarot card readings, i use clairvoyancy,astrology. and i can also interpret your dreams. i can help you find out if he or she is faithful !. often times you will be shocked at how accurate my predictions are. i will not tell you what you want to hear but what you need . | Are you want to know about your love or arrange life? If yes. Call me.Spells change your inner energy to allow all open doors and posibilities to become open to you.With the help of Tarot reading, i will see your past and future, resolve every problem. | ||