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Cheating And AffairsRelationship Post MortemAura Reading
$1.99 per minute$$15 email readings giving insight into your question and answering not only what you asked but why you have asked these questions
my intuitive and emathic senses can help you figure out how and why your relationship was troubled and perhaps give you ways in which to repair it
life born empath,intuitive i also have worked in numerous fields including a hairdresser a barmaid and an artist.i have been giving readings for at least 10 years now
ever wondered why something has happened? why some thing has changed or why some one has acted in a way you didn't expect.this is where i can help not only can i help you see your future i can help you understand your past.every thing we do causes us to move in a direction every choice we make can change that direction.knowing why and where we are going is important .i want to help empower you to move in the direction you want to progress in .i can help you tap into your own inner strength and give you valuable insight into not only where you are right now but where you've been and where you truly want to go.