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$1.99 per minute$$5.00 for 1 question 1st email request
Summer special £0.99p per min dont pay till your happy with connection, Honest direct sentitive readings
from a early age it was apparent to me that i was different (blessed) with a special gift i started attending spiritlist church with my grandmother at 5 years old as she was also a medium, Through out my time spent there i progressed my abilities and became a meduim/psychic and tarot reader In my experience people are very shocked at how detailed my redings are. I work by asking you to not tell me any information just a simple 1 sentance question for the issue you request guidence with i.e.... When will money come in, or What is my life purpose
If you are in need of some guidence and little reasurance a small little nudge in the right direction Then i hope im the one to help you What ever you need or request dont be shy i wont judge you. Matters of the heart,health,mind,work,money i will do my best to assist you with what i hope you will find a warm friendly psychic reading using angel cards I am honest direct and always repectful. If you are not happy with the connection i hope to make with you then dont pay i will always ask if you happy to continue and start paying, I like to validate connections i make so the sitter knows im with them. I also prefer that my sitters do not give to much info to me as some readers may just use that info to there advantage, i am able to do live reading and also email reading of you wish these i offer for a low price of $5.00 for 1st one