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I do a method of crystal reading called lithomancy. Lithomancy is a type of cleromancy that helps me gain wisdom and understanding for just about any situation.
Ordained New Thought Christian Minister since 2007
Lithomancy is a type of cleromancy that uses various types of crystals. This type of reading that has been used in nearly every culture throughout history. Some of the oldest references of this form of divination are recorded in Hebrew Torah where a High Priest would use two stones to determine the will of the Divine. Some scholars believed that the technique of Lithomancy eventually developed into reading runes since early records indicated that the crystal reading was also coupled with symbolism. Today most lithomancy is performed by using 13 stones with elemental and planetary or astrological symbolism, but can be performed with as many or as few crystals as the reader deems fit. My personal preference is three to five stones depending on the type of question. I have found that three and five stones give excellent and quite detailed readings for specific questions and even general readings about the next three months to one year. Thirteen-stone readings give excellent information, but they tend to be extremely long and detailed. Some readings can take up to an hour and a half to two hours depending on the type of reading (general reading or specific question), questions that a member might have about a certain area that is being addressed, and interpretation from the angels and/or guides. If any members are interested in a 13-stone reading, please let me know ahead of time and I will give you more information about a 13-stone reading. A five stone reading can normally be done in 8 to 30 minutes depending on the type of reading (general reading or specific question), questions that a member might have about a certain area that is being addressed, and interpretation from the angels and/or guides. In these readings I use a Feng Shui Bagua board or chakra board (if the member requests a chakra balancing/cleansing) along with tigers eye, rose quartz, elestial quartz, atlantisite, and amazonite. A three stone reading can normally be done in 5 to 20 minutes depending on the type of reading requested (general reading or specific question), question that a member might have about a certain area that is being addressed, and interpretation from the angels and/or guides. In these readings I use a Feng Shui Bagua board or chakra board (if the memebr requests a chakra balancing /cleansing) along with three black onyx stones.
Reviewer | Date | Rating | Review | |
User76820177682017 | 4/28/2017 1:48:18 AM | ![]() |
user74210 | 4/26/2017 8:42:20 PM | ![]() |
user7226092 | 4/25/2017 10:09:48 PM | ![]() |
User68835534883553 | 4/25/2017 2:05:54 AM | ![]() |
user6685424 | 4/24/2017 10:18:02 AM | ![]() |