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- Deep Breathing exercises to relieve stress - Balance and Align Chakras - "Chunking" exercise to define issues - Use of Crystals - Basic Hypnosis Theory (model of the mind)

★★★★★ 5 Star Psychic ★★★★★ Card  EVERYONE

who gets a Private Reading, on their next visit... just a simple follow up to answer any lingering questions. Invest in yourself, take advantage of this opportunity. Opportunity is knocking... why don't you, answer the door? Also, RETURNING customers... remind me to drop my rate for you... 

Congrats, this weeks winner of a Free Reading! It's a new week, so there's a new chance at a free reading. Every Sunday I pick a random name from all the people that got a private reading from me during the past week and award that person a free follow up reading. It could be you this week! Now there are 2 Meditation classes is at 10:00 am AND 11:00 pm (EST). Thanks again to all of you for your support, CD 

It is my intention to use my gifts to enlighten, provide clarity, and better the lives of as many people as I can during my time. My abilities have been repeatedly tested and verified. 
My feedbacks are all the proof anyone should need. 

 Train your brain using self-hypnosis. It's a great way to start your day! Before we begin, deep breathing mantra, progressive relaxation induction, khundalini rising, equilibrium, timelines, post hypnotic suggestions, psychic skills, float on, daily dragon tarot reading... 

Evening: Advance Law of Attraction Training. Train your brain using self-hypnosis. It's a great way to end your day! Before we begin, deep breathing mantra, progressive relaxation induction, khundalini rising, equilibrium, timelines, future pacing, advanced law of attraction, look back, float on, lullaby... 

- Deep Breathing exercises to relieve stress 
- Balance and Align Chakras 
- "Chunking" exercise to define issues 
- Use of Crystals 
- Basic Hypnosis Theory (model of the mind) 

★★★★★ 5 Star Psychic ★★★★★ 

I freaking adore this man. I have had 2 readings now and I always feel so down good when I leave them. He get's me. And he sees what I am feeling. Simply an amazing human being. Muah. 

OMG he really open more my eyes. Just follow his instructions and concentrate what he tells you and he will start telling you what you want to hear. I wish i could give him more than 5 stars. 

I was very comfortable with CD's tarot reading. He walked through each part of my reading and I was easily able to follow along and understand my reading. He was straightforward, but very kind about what the cards were saying. Yes, I would go back to him for another reading. 

Wow! first man I trusted in many years and he is a real sweetheart if i do say so my self. I knew what he said is right but I had so many thoughts that i wasn't gonna trust me. I knew I knew I knew it. You are a very cool dude. Thanx 

Was brilliant really accurate and I'd surely come back again. 

He's very good! Straight to the point! It breaks my heart to know the truth but what can I do, that's how it is! I recommend this guy!  


Very quick and easy! No dramas, people you gotta give this guy a shot!! 

Another excellent reading! Hit my question right on the head; gave me awesome insight as what to look for, as well as be careful of. Thank you for that wonderful insight! 

Really liked him. Easy to understand and not typical person that i would imagine doing readings Awesome. 

Well, I didn't get a good reading. And I don't mean that in a BAD way. Quite the OPPOSITE actually. I was given the warnings I needed on an upcoming work situation that has the whole company in a tizzy. He was accurate on details I didn't even mention. Highly recommended! 

Will you be the next one to leave me an impressive feedback? 

Sun is in Gemini and Jupiter is in Gemini 
You're a natural teacher, a master communicator with an inexhaustible source of ideas and inspiration for cultivating wealth. When someone else clings desperately to one plan or idea, you keep coming up with alternative approaches that assure you of financial success no matter what gets in your way. 

You're so flexible and nimble in your thinking that you can solve just about any problem imaginable. Instead of just coming up with one right answer, your mind is like an encyclopedia, an almanac and the Internet all rolled into one, so you always can come up with whatever information you need. 

You're not so worried about what's right, but instinctively are led to what works. With endless curiosity and excitement about what life brings, it's not surprising that you easily find any number of roads that lead you to affluence. 

 Neptune is in Scorpio and Mercury is in Cancer 
There's a good chance that you rely more on your feelings than thoughts for guidance. If that's the case, you should give yourself a gold star. Having your Mercury in Cancer enables you to intuit information just by soaking up the atmosphere. In fact, you learn more about a person by watching their face than by listening to their words. When you're on the phone with somebody, pay more attention to the sound of their voice than what they're actually saying. This will tell you everything you need to know about their mood, mindset and receptivity. 

Your mind and heart work in tandem, as Neptune in Scorpio makes it even easier to pick up information that rests beneath the surface of any situation. When your intuition talks, your brain listens. 

Thank You for visiting, you are welcome back anytime

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