I can go back into your past, give you the acts already experienced. Know that the body is a famous memory of all things lived and one day or the other, he traces this surface.
spiritual mediums healers, I am pure medium and past life roster
Hello to you and your interest in my profile.
I am pure medium, This is the age of 7 years for the first time I questioned my grandfather, medium healer, talk to him about how I felt on a picture of a person he cared. Just by looking at it, I had sensations in my body telling me that he had a health concern.
Therefore I developed my gift to arrive to feel or see things and communicate with my guide or entity (ies) that accompanies (y) consultants.
To the age of 18, I took 2 years of seances, which increased my feelings. This is where I made more of clairvoyance, the person himself or photo. I want to say that I do not ask or name or date of birth. A topo of the situation, I do not wish, I remain neutral as, just the question when time is short. Otherwise, I give that to me and it is transferred to the end of the consultation you see if I have answered all questions from customers.
This development path has allowed me to communicate with the dead, whom I respect greatly and so I let them come to me if they have a message to give. I practice the same way as clairvoyance, with the only support the picture of a deceased person and I connect to it if there is a message to deliver. You should know that after death, the body needs some time to be able to communicate with a medium, so respect it.
By my guide, who is my grandmother, also medium healer, I can go back into your past, and thus give you the acts already experienced. Know that the body is a famous memory of all things lived and one day or the other, he traces this surface
This is why, sometimes when repeating the same mistakes, find the correct source for these is something important.
To inform people about the gifts that exist, I made mini-conferences, sometimes with guests who came to talk to and share their gifts and knowledge of each.
Helping people attracts me too, so to help develop, it was created a group. I think it was the first in Belgium, because it does not exist to have people that explain how to get to communicate with guides and thus a clairvoyance. This group consists of people at the base, donations of course, because we can not make a person without giving a medium.
To expand the assistance, I enrolled on a first site of clairvoyance and thus be able to share some of my knowledge with others, they also help to advance spiritually in their lives. I hope that by giving them a little light in their lives and evolve in peace.
I am open communication, respect and friendliness, if you have questions that were not on the answers or paranormal phenomena.
Go into my room, we can talk without worry, it will even with a real pleasure.
For mutual respect and discretion, I ask you not to give personal information on the chat. I will call you by your nickname only and will not ask for name or date of birth.
Thus, your life will be entirely a private matter.
With regard to clairvoyance in private webcam helps me a lot to get in touch.
It is not just out of curiosity but my support. If you wish, and for the sake of discretion, you can put a screen behind you or turn your pc facing a wall, I do not absolutely offusquerai.
Understand that I do not take no maps or clock, but just as you support my clairvoyance. So why I ask you to open your webcam.
It will be clear, respectful and sincere, direct as I only communicate information from my guide. Imagine that he uses certain words is that they will pass some things with you so that you can understand them better. Do not be surprised, sometimes it takes a day or two to get the click.
My experience:
I was born in the middle with two spiritual mediums grandparents healers.
It's been over 30 years since I exercised and always in the same state of mind, that is to say respect for the person viewing and is overdue. I do not abuse this suffering but, on the contrary, I take it very seriously.
I do not take any notes, so I suggest you prepare your questions in writing in advance and leave a little space to put the answers, and the date of your reading. Do not ask me, once completed clairvoyance, what I said because this is noted nowhere and I have no notebook at my side.
I am open to many things, but certainly not the occult works! I can not help you in prophetic dreams and not when a probable date of death.
This is not a defect to recognize its limits ...
A medium can be connected 24 hours 24. It was a life almost normal fatigue when focusing to enter into communication and therefore the brain and the rest of the person also needs to relax and rejuvenate from time to time.
I conclude by asking you to come into my room in order to get better acquainted.
Soon I hope.
Good day to you and thank you for reading.
Purification places
I ask with all my gratitude the benevolence of the archangel rihal to clean these places all energies that are not in perfect accord with the divine purity of my soul. Made that the light can enter to purify each negative imprints of the past. I also request a protective aura around me and all those who may find themselves in these places in order to ensure harmony and balance in their being sustainability.
Personal protective
My God, let the good spirits around me, come to my aid when I am in pain, and support me if I falters.
Grant, O Lord, they inspire me the faith, hope and charity they are for me, support, hope and proof of your mercy, made finally I found near them, I lack the strength in the trials of life, and to resist the promptings of evil, saving faith and love that console.
Beloved spirits, angels, you to whom God in His infinite mercy, ensures the Men, be our protectors in the trials of earthly life.
Give us the strength, courage and resignation;
inspire us all that is good;
remember us on the slope of evil;
we felt made a devoted friend is near us, he sees our suffering and sharing our joys.
And you, my good angel, do not leave me: I need your protection to withstand, with faith and love, trials it pleases God to send me.
Wise and benevolent spirits whose mission is to assist men and lead them in the right way, support me in the trials of this life, give me the strength to suffer without a murmur;
I turn away from evil thoughts, and I do not give access to any evil spirit who tried to induce me to evil.
Enlighten my mind on my defects, and raise my eyes from above, the veil of pride that could prevent me from seeing me and say to myself.
Especially you, my angel guardian who watch especially on me, and you, protecting spirits who are interested in me, let me make me worthy of your kindness.
You know my needs, be acted according to the will of God.
this does not hesitate to make them do not force yourself to read them
Hello you who read me
I can with a few hours in advance to wish you and your family has a wonderful Christmas Eve that brings you happiness health love if you want to test a small miracle December 24, here's what to do 24 this morning before 11am we will have time to say that this is done alone.