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Clairvoyance is where spirit shows me signs and symbols that represent whats going on in your past,present or future life.

specializes in soul readings and emotional clearings, Intuitive readings *Clairvoyant readings *Pendulum readings

Welcome to the voice of truths page

Are you looking for the answers? Have you looked deep inside yourself but something is blocking you? 
I have been born with many psychic gifts to see, sense,and feel you. I will heal you. I will balance you. 

My name is Lara Schwa also known as Lara the voice of truth. 


Living as a spiritualist in a modern world has brought me very much peace in an ever changing and turbulent world! Sharing my psychic gifts and Spiritual knowledge Internationally through my psychic radio show, Empowering your Spirit with Lara the voice of truth on Blog talk radio, My on line Spiritual classes offered through Whiz Iq, My television appearances and cross country Spiritual Speaking Engagements has brought me tremendous joy and I am excited to share my gifts here with you!! 

My Psychic abilities are~ 

Tactic knowing has allowed spirit to speak to me directly. This is where there is no analytical thinking involved only a knowing. 

Clairvoyance is where spirit shows me signs and symbols that represent whats going on in your past,present or future life. 

Clairsentience is where my spirit senses information 

Extra Sensitivity is where I sense and feel what's in a persons environment as well as pick up on individuals allergies and sensitivities to fabrics and other stimuli which may be affecting the way they physically feel which indirectly affects their life. 

Empathy is where I am able to feel and sense other peoples emotions and energies. 

I was named Lara the voice of truth by my clients for my accuracy and authenticity. I specializes in soul readings and emotional clearings. Soul readings tell the individual what their emotional imprints '' blocks'' are. Emotional imprints are caused from experiences which have affected us on a souls level and as a result , unconsciously cause sabotaging and un supportive habits and conditionings which make up negative karma. 

~ Other Services and Tools I use ~ 

*Holistic Health Coaching @1.50 a minute /special rate for continual and on going coaching. 
*Spiritual Response Technique 
*Reiki Healing 
*Spiritual counseling and coaching @ $1.49 a minute / this is a special rate for continual and on going counseling. 
*Tarot reading~ Rider Waite deck 
*Psi reading~ Carl Jung, ''reads the your unconscious mind'' 
*Animal card Shamanic cards 
*Intuitive readings 
*Clairvoyant readings 
*Pendulum readings 

I am a graduate of Om Wellness and am certified by the American Association of Drugless practitioners and a Reiki Master. I have worked with people in combating everything from depression, anxiety,lowering their cholesterol,minimizing allergies,boosting their immune system,building confidence, working with energy and opening their psychic ability. 

 Rules for Lara The Voice of Truths Chat Room 
*No Free Readings 
*Everyone is welcome as long as they are respectful to everyone in my room including myself! 
*Demos are picked by intuition and only if you are registered will you have an opportunity. 

Very pozitive! ram0nka, romania 

She is right on the spot, she explains everything she feels and its correct. I really liked talking to her I was very 
comfortable like I was talking to an old friend. I highly recommend her :) Reflectme, TX 

Sorry ran out of time! Great reading! ashley031988, Charlotte 

Right on point and amazing! Will be back again. THANK YOU! love522, atl 
Great. x 

Thanks for your perspectives linn115, sg 

Excellent and very precise Muchacha79, Copenhagen 

You were amazing very good and straight with everything that you seen and picked up on 10/10 thank you tonio73, Australia 

Spot on! Seems to be very accurate and gave me some much-needed advice. I enjoyed my reading with her :) iPreferMimi, Kuwait 

She was wonderful, very helpful, elaborated on many things. Loved it. beetlenut, lc, la 

Made me feel so much better about a deceased friend that just passed..... Try her your see... Very truthful of things that happened between him and I. ml4063, Reno 

Good reading. maryannepav, Perth Western Australia 

She is surely worth of reading I can say that. Her abilities is obvious and clear. Give good advice and speak honestly. Thank you! epi, Finland 

Excellent and very precise Muchacha79, Copenhagen 

You were amazing very good and straight with everything that you seen and picked up on 10/10 thank you tonio73, Australia 

She was wonderful, very helpful, elaborated on many things. Loved it. beetlenut, lc, la 
Made me feel so much better about a deceased friend that just passed..... Try her your see... Very truthful of things that happened between him and I. ml4063, Reno 

Good reading. 

She is surely worth of reading I can say that. Her abilities is obvious and clear. Give good advice and speak honestly. Thank you! 

This woman is a true medium. No birthday, no tarot, simply through stating what ur concern is about. Her accuracy is minblowing!! 


Lara connected very quickly to me and gave me guidance and clarity. Thank you so much!

Good advice. Thank you! :)

I have to tell you lara is amazing, I went in there feeling not so good, when I left I was beaming, I dont know what she did but the woamn is a true healer. Thanks for all your hardwork here on oranum, it really shows!! oxox wingtip wingtip,

Straightforward and excellent! thank you :) twenty1stars, so cal! 

Very good reading she is very intune with emotional problems one has gave me great advice and a way to work on my inner problems i will be back with an update. mj1963, IL 

Laura U R gooood thanks wow.She is Great and honest in her reading and she have humor lots of it nice she is Alive

Very good. All the others said the same

Wonderfully warm and funny person. She connected very well with me and was able to tell me some of the best advice I have gotten on here. Thank you so much, Lara.

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