Peoples please register are sign in before coming to my room it only takes a minute to do so,the reason is because some guest are real rude and mean ,and they take focus off who is in the room, i don't mind helping peoples but please be respectful to me and others that are there, thank you!
I had to change my profile a little cause i had all caps on and peoples thought i was yelling ,about me am a mom of two, very down to earth love meeting and talking to peoples , and helping peoples. I have been reading peoples like 5-10 years. I don't tell peoples something to make them happy, i tell them the truth and that its, am not here to sugar coat nothing.
I am a very god fearing person, i don't like mess and i hate a lier. I dont swear unless mad real talk, see i am a married woman, son a jr.high football player and daughter a high school power lifter, i can say i did a really good job with them thu god ! my family and friends call me ms know it all because i tell them things and it happens and when i say something best to know its going to happen,i always put god frist in everything i do because without him none of this would be, tell you a lil bout my gifts ,
I can pick up on your energies and the negative round you , i also can connect to the person you talking about only in private because that i have to really put my mind to work , yes i can tell you what he are she thinking , and everything,love i love that word because its a love hate thing, meaning a person can say they love you but all the time they lining and playing games, and i also can tell when that is going. On the reason, i said hate is because how they do a woman with that , it hurts me when i connect to a person and i sees that ,it many times i could have cired when i saw that,! my other gifts is romance, and family, family is ur worse enemy foreal its not a true family member because they are the ones who tear u down,spirituality,something i really love because god give me words to say and help u, see i can help anybody with anything because i got god on my side,
I thank god for the gifts that he has given me, and i thank god for the peoples who giving me the chance to help them. I am very passionate bout helping peoples and i have a will to understand peoples. I am not here to put you down am only here to help u if i can. I never look down on a person because what they going thu today i might be tomar,
So i never do that and plus the bible says we are our brothers keepers , so that means when one is down its our job to pick them back up,to be honest i have 6 peoples that i call a true friend one is the good lord, my two babies , my husband , my mom ,my dad, yes i have friends but i tend to them like with hands up, because these days u cant trust nobody,peoples say i look to serious at times is because am trying to connect and see whats really going on,but in all welcome to my page and god is love and so am i
!stay bless!