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Yogiraj Astrologer

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$1.99 per minute$$5 for all email readings. Please be sure to give me your birth day, year, time and location. If you have it for a second person involved add it as well.

I am divinely in tune and will use that along with astrology to give you the most accurate information on you and any part of your love life.

I am a Professional Astrologer using the Kepler Software Systems. I am certified Usui Method Reiki healer and a natural divine medium and channel. I have been studying and using astrology for over 25 years and have been attuned and using Usui Method of Reiki for over 20. I was born naturally attuned to the divine and can hear and give any messages available.

~ Professional Astrologer
~ Divine Medium
~ Clairsentient
~ Dream Interpretation
~ Numerologist
~ Usui method Reiki Healer
~ Emissary of Light, Love, and Messages
~ Spiritual Motivational Author and Speaker 

Our Angels and guides are all around us. As an Emissary I am able to tap into the divine realm and bring forth any messages your angels, spirit guides, higher self, or loved ones who have passed over may have for you.

Born a natural empath I soon became aware of the etheric realm when I would have frequent visits from angels and spirits as a young child. I have been frequently visited by loved ones just after they passed over letting me know they are still with me. Today I use this gift as a catalyst for others who need assistance connecting to the messages that are waiting to be told to them.  

I have been studying Astrology for over 25 years and have done hundreds of readings for people all over the world. I specialize in Love Compatibility Reports and Solar Return Charts so you may know what your year ahead has in store for you. Astrology is a very accurate tool that can be used to answer any questions you may have about the past, present, or future and is a widely used tool for Self Transformation. Astrology can also help detect possible health problems and or diseases one may be prone to.  

If you are on a path of Self Transformation or just a soul who needs guidance in love and life I am here to be the catalyst to guide you to your answers.
As an Emissary of light, love, and messages any questions, concerns, or spiritual guidance you need is ready and waiting for you. Ask and you shall receive.  

Please check out Lori Marie's Motivational Blog at:

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