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Yogiraj Astrologer

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I have the ability to help clear those past lives so you can experience freedom and start living this life.

Intuitive Life Coach, Healer, gifted psychic advisor

I have been empathic since I was a child. I am now a Intuitive Life Coach, Healer, I am the healer's healer, clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient psychic, as well as a fully-conscious medium,. I am able to connect with passed over loved ones if the time is right for this connection. Sometimes they look forward to communicate, sometimes they are busy and some could care less. 

I have done work on many that say I have changed their lives. I am a clairvoyant gifted psychic advisor. I have consulted many through heartache, sadness, divorce, mental & physical abuse, marital problems, and confusion. My spirit guides will help guide you in the right direction, This gift is humbling and amazes me the out comes. I was told recently by a psychic friend that she believes this gift picked me, I didnt pick it. Feels very true. Many times in my life I have been told by many that I would make a great reader. I have always tend to the healing aspect. 

I have the ability to see past lives, which I am amazed how many people are living this life from their past lives. I have the ability to help clear those past lives so you can experience freedom and start living this life. 

I have my opinion and experience on Twin Flame relationships and there are many Soul Mates. If you do a reading with me I will help you discover which relationship you are experiencing now. I feel the best plan would be to ask for the right person right now that would love to have fun and be in a healthy relationship. Forget all those other words. 

I will do lost and found readings by email. I have had a high sucess rate with others in this area. 
Recently found was: 
a phone and she lived in Singapore 
a pendulum in the USA 
healing wand in the USA 

We all have gifts, some use them, some have been taught to hide them because of their parents and friends. 
I am honored to be here and be part of your clearings and readings. 

Please be polite when you enter my free chat for you are entering my house. Say hello and have a seat. 
If you need to take me privately, I will give you every bit of my complete attention. I dont answer questions in the room that are personel. If I choose to connect with you for whatever reason I will let u know. It will be my choice not yours. 

This is for entertainment purposes only. I do not promise any kind of outcome. Since we are on a free will planet you can use this to change your life if you choose to. I feel that is a great reason to get a reading/healing. 

Company rules specify NO FREE ANSWERS in open chat. Please do not ask me, as I can't answer you. 
If you receive a demo reading, it is ONLY one question and one answer. If you want an in-depth answer, please purchase credits so you can get further info. in private chat. 
If you want questions answered, please register and get credits, so you can go into a paid chat session. 
Thank you for understanding! :-) 

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