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I have this amazing ability to predict and tune in to other people, she took me under her Wing and showed .

Natural born psychic, Specializes in Palm, Readings Tarot Card Readings, Past Life, Full life, And Dream interpretation.

Hi, My Name is maggie and I am I Natural born psychic I have been helping people with my god given psychic Ability Since the Age of nine (9) years old. My grandmother witch was a natural born psychic seen that I have this amazing ability to predict and tune in to other people, she took me under her Wing and showed 
Me how to channel the psychic ability to help others in need of it. As the years passed I have help more and more people and as I grew in to an adult I still help other in need of Help and Through The Power Of The Palm, Tarot Crystal Charka, Sand and Dream interpretation reading's - I Have helped people in all problems in Love, Marriage, Career, Finances Reuniting Lost Loved Ones or just helping someone to simple Choose The Right Path in life 

I am I true Spiritualist who Specializes in Palm, Readings Tarot Card Readings, Past Life, Full life, And Dream interpretation And helped many people all over the world in my travels I love help other to choose the right paths in life,and love! 

the "I am committed to helping you find direction and peace in every aspect of your life whether it be relationship, finances, career, or anything else that you may have questions about. I utilize my intuitive abilities as well as energy to help you shift through any obstacles that are in front of you. I look forward to being of service to you!" 

With over 25 years of experience in energy and intuitive abilities on many levels, I can help transform, and shift what needs to be moved to help you overcome and understand the obstacles that you may be going through.I am an expert in love relationships as well as helping you discover your true mission. I can also help in Abundance, Career, and anything you want to inquire about. 

You will definitely feel a shift when talking to me.I;ll get answers to your questions quickly and accurately because i'm living my passion and striving to stay balaced with other's energy's and spirit guides! Type's of readings i like to do are Psychic and Tarot card readings, i also offer love spell meditations, i like to keep my meditations sessions at least 10 minute Minimum - i also offer Spell removal meditation sessions 

on my tarot card reading i usually lay out 10-15 Tarot cards and i am very in depth in informative and to the point. 

My Psychic readings are very on point and on the straight and narrow no holding back what so ever. 
My great desire to be of service and help each individual achieve healing in all areas of their life is what makes my messages of peace, love and reassurance so comforting. 
My Online Schedule Is Usually 

I try and stay on line as long as i can to give my members a accurate and on point reading here are some 


- Spot on and very comforting.... I can feel her compassion. She`ll give you hope and strength. I will get back to you Marie. You`re an angel. Hugggss. 

"angelic3wings" - I have never felt so much deep connection through my reading with anyone else on this site. I just sometimes cannot wait until Marie comes on because she keeps you spiritually guided to what you truly desire and love. Keep you strong what is to you that is worth fighting for who you love. I love doing readings with her because she is so accurate and point with everything always 

 - Yet again, she gave great help, support, and was accurate. I'm speechless. This woman is amazing (both as a person and as a psychic)! 

 - Thank you Marie, so much for all you do! For all your faith! I wouldn't have been able to do things without your help and positivity.... Thank you so much!! 

 - She is an angel. An amazing woman. Thank you for the guidance and support. I am eternally grateful! God bless your beautiful soul 
Peace & Love

RULES of my open/free chat i will not accept rude or vulgar language, nor will i tolere the heckling or Harassment of my self, or any of my members or any other psychic on Oranum so i will not tolerate Harassment of any kind in my free chat no if and's or buts and i will not answer any questions in free chat i am not here to give free advice, the main thing is to come in have a good time and get a reading and leave with a free and clear mind i love all my members that enter my free chat and one person asking questions in free chat is not fair to my regular members and please when on live cam do not show any nudity i can't give you an acurite reading like that or with any violence God Bless! 

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