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love reading for sale

Are you looking for a "Direct" "Honest" "Fast and "Affordable answer to your doubts? Don't hesitate any longer! "A Alisha" Service is your key to access the Truth.

I am a Natural Born Psychic with God Gifted Abilities, I am Master in Spiritual Therapy & Psychic Consulting My Spiritual Gifts come from a Long Distance of Generations; I have offered clients in person consults for over 10 years, (Now I am 21.5 Years old) I can and will help you and guide you to the right path to achieving your " Aims" " Desires" " Wishes" and "Dreams" with my reading away you will receive piece of mind and I will answers to all your questions and problems no matter how difficult or taboo the situation might be. I can guide you in a positive path in all directions of life (in any matter). I combine Tarot with the empathic nature I have been gifted with, along with your focus, to provide what many have called “The Most Detailed Consult they have ever received ". If you are curious or just need conformation call me now, I will be honest to all my callers I will tell you what ever I see Good or Bad during the reading.

glittering welcome

  • Are you lonely ...?
  • Are you confused ...?
  • Is He/She being true to you ...?
  • Is your career at a stand still ...?
  • Are there obstacles in your way ...?
  • Do you need closure from the past ...?
  • Are you suffering from depression ...?
  • Are you searching for a new career ...?
  • Is there distance in your relationship ...?
  • Have you been separated from a love one ...?
  • Are you uncertain about your partners love ...?
  • Do you fear that you are meant to be alone in the future ...?
  • Do you feel like you are giving allure feelings and not receiving ...?
  • Are you having doubts and asking yourself if He/She is the right one for you ...?
  • Are people or unseen energies standing in the way of you reaching your full potential ...?
  • Then I can and I will help you bec I am a Natural Born Psychic and clairvoyant, Sensitive Empathy, Intuitive, Spiritualist, Healer of the Soul....and much more! Cloud Reading Astrology, Birth Chart, Crystals Ball, about yours Career, Job, Love Affairs, Love Life, Relationship, Tarot cards, Family, Marriage, and Biasness Problems. The Properties of Gemstones in yours life and many more..... I have many years of psychic reading experience with this I also test my psychic abilities and the details are given below :-

    My Psi Questions Test Results.

    Telepathy/Empathy 08

    Clairvoyance/Remote Viewing 08

    Psycho kinesis 08

    Precognition 08

    Channeling 09

    My Psi Question Tests Results Score Out of Ten.

    Telepathy/Empathy(08) 1-3 Bad 4-6 Good 7-10 Excellent.

    Clairvoyance/Remote Viewing(08) 1-3 Bad 4-5 Good 6+Exceptional.

    Psycho kinesis(08) 1-5 Bad Good 6-8 Good 9+ Amazing.

    Precognition(08) 1-3 Bad 4-7 Good 8-10Excellent.

    Channeling(09) 1-3 Bad 4-7 VeryGood 8-10Talented.

    I work with the universe through my Tarot cards to convey psychic messages and help peoples. I have empathy and understanding knowledge to yours problems and I have been fascinated with the paranormal since childhood. When I was little, I could see spirit and feel them. I would see things through my clairvoyance before they happened n tell people about them. This knowledge was passed down to me from generation by Great Grand Mother and My Mother they have been doing psychic readings from ages and now this knowledge is passed down to me and now its on me. I am having ability to reach into the spiritual "Mind" "Body" and "Soul to gather the information you seeking. I can help you with any problem dealing with affairs of the heart. I have reunited separated lovers. I have prevented unwanted divorces and I have found many true soul-mates for peoples. I will help you with whatever the problem. I will give you time frames when things will happen. I have been helping with affairs of the heart for many years as did my mother before me, her mother before her and many years before that. My experience have taught me to help people to recognize what it is they are looking for and show them the potential within themselves to acquire a long and lasting relationship. Allow me help guide you past the confusion and to a place where you can live in "Love" "Peace" and "Harmony" I am open minded with no judgment there is no reason to be alone or to be frustrated. I am here to help by sharing only the truth with you. I do not give False Hope; your TIME AND MONEY will not be wasted. Let me astonish you with my amazing gift and bring back yours happens in yours life. I have offered clients in person consults for many years; I developed the Life’s Pathway Consult to assist clients with pressing detailed questions. The level of detail an insights that it provides offers my clients the chance to make informed choices in regards to the direction their relationships are going in. The Life’s Pathway Consult looks at the energy both surrounding the relationship situation, as well as, the individual energy expended into that situation. It allows my clients to see the true feelings that someone has for them, not just what is said or even done by that person, which can often be misleading. It can also take a detailed look at outside influences like family or friends on the relationships future. It allows my clients to rest assured that the most positive path forward towards their personal goals and development can be attained. I have helped many people with their personal dilemmas with an amazing ability to beneficially turn their lives around. I first learned of my ability early in life. I have built a solid reputation earning the utmost respect from my clients. I enjoy helping people understand themselves and I try to key my readings toward understanding, spiritual connections, and practical advice as well as trends for the future. I can give you these answers. I am able to tell you exactly what is going on in your relationship and tell you what to do and what not to do and what you can expect. I am a natural-born clairvoyant and empathic. I must say, readings are quite honest and reflect I will not give you answers that you are expecting to hear or hope to hear; you have come seeking guidance from a higher source. You will hear what you are supposed to hear from your guides to help you move ahead and gain power. Answers that you have been searching for are no longer out of your reach. Become empowered and enlightened. The road you take is in your control and life has many of them for us to travel down. I have helped many people over the past 10.5 years by opening up the truth. So Contact me now So that I will n I can help you n guide you to the Right path.

    I Used

    Precognition = To see the Future.

    Retro cognition = To see the Past.

    Telepathy = To read others Thoughts.

    Clair sentience = To feel others Feelings.

    Clairvoyance = To Look into the Unknown.

    Clairaudient = To hear spirit.

    Medium ship = To connect and see spirit.

    Call Me Now and Let Me Help You Will Receive Piece of Mind. I Will Guide You To The Right Path. First Time Callers are Welcome!

    Peace and Blessings.

    Thank You.

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