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Your Aura is the light that you broadcast to the world. Light injects energy into the Aura's energy centers different frequency levels.
DBT Specialist, Dual Diagnosis Specialist, Relationship Counselor, Social Worker; Member AFAN, NCGR, ISAR. 10 years' study and 5 years' professional experience using astrology and tarot. Full-time professional counselor, psychic and astrologer. Writer, author, lecturer, teacher. I'm pleased to be a part of the destle team and currently do not provide services on any other site.
I am a professional astrologer and spiritual advisor with more than 10 years' experience. I am proficient in astrology, tarot, numerology, feng shui, and many other mystery schools.
I have written and lectured extensively on the subject. My clients come from all over the world because I give them practical, honest insight, without all the cosmic mumbo jumbo... My readings emphasize free will and personal evolution, because I am far more interested in showing you how to utilize the planetary energies than I am in dazzling you with my psychic abilities. I believe that everybody has free will and should use it! The universe does not WANT us to blindly follow our "destinies" if there is a better way, a more loving way, a more prosperous way, or a more enlightened way! I believe that we DO have choices, and we CAN change our destinies. So I strive to give you honest, reliable, accurate and sincere information, and then show you how to use it.
I do not offer meditations, spells, or cleansings and will not ever try to "sell" you something that I feel has the potential for disempowering you. In fact, I will not try to sell you anything period. I do not consider myself a clairvoyant so if you're looking for someone who can "read your mind" I will refer you elsewhere. I will never ask you to hire unless and until I feel I can help you. For that reason please do not ask me to "prove a connection" to you.
If you are a first time client with me, I ask that you have at least enough funds for a 7-10 minute session. It's possible our first session will take less time than that, but is unfair for both of us to expect a quality reading in 2-3 minutes. I will ask for your name and birthdate, and discuss your specific questions with you prior to beginning a session with you. If you're not comfortable providing birth information (or are unsure of it for the people you're asking about) I will likely refer you to another reader, as I always use planetary transits and progressions for timing. Afterwards, please consider leaving written feedback, based not only on future predictions but also on details related to the current and past scenarios, personalities, interactions, etc. This will help other clients when choosing an expert for themselves.
I (and the majority of other readers involved in spiritual professions) ascribe to higher laws of ethics and morality. What this means is that I'm personally dedicated to honoring those standards during my sessions with you. I want your experience to be empowering and insightful, even if the information you receive is not what you wanted to hear. I will treat you with honesty and integrity in all of my dealings with you and I hope that you will expect nothing less from other advisors.
If for any reason your experience with a reader leads you to believe that you're being conned or scammed -- such as being asked for unreasonable amounts of money to remove a curse, change your luck, or restore your health, please leave immediately and report your experiences to the proper authorities. You should never be made to feel afraid or that your destiny is outside of your hands.
above all else in life give to those
who seek your aid the fullest measure of your love;
for love interprets, love adjusts
love transforms, and love heals
~ tibetan prayer