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I Have Worked For Several Networks,I Have My Own Shop For Face To Face Readings In Ca,My Cusomers Are All Repeat Ones And Always Come Back For My Advise,and Gudience. I Have Been Giving Readings For Over . Twenty Years
Hello And Blessngs To All! I Have Been Blessed With A Special God Given Gift,I Am A Fifth Generation Reader, And Have Been Giving Readings Since I Was 15 years Of Age, I Love To Help Others With Any Problems They Might Face In Life,Love ,Past,Present,And Future,I do Psyhic,Astrology,Dream Interpertations,Tarot,Aura,Clairvoyent,Channeling Lost Souls,I Do Spells And Incantations, As Well! I Feel That I Was Given This Special Gift To Help Others And Have Been For Thousands In All Walks Of Life,