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The chakras are a wonderful thing, and I can work with you on opening them up or removing any residual energies!
Minister, Universal Life Church, life long medium, student Boulder Psychic Horizons Clairvoyant Program, teacher, author
Megan says she feels lucky to have been born into 2 very sensitive families. Her mother's side is extremely clairsentient, being able to feel what is going on with another or just in a room. Her father's side of the family has a history of very strong clairvoyance - clear seeing. These two are definitely her 2 strongest clairs, and the others are developing or have developed at a high speed. This side of the family was also devout Catholic, and while there didn't have to be a conflict, there was confusion about the gifts. Megan's great uncle Jack Riley, who was a psychic, medium and healer from the 1930's-70's told her father when he was very young that "it was in the blood" and that her dad had it too. The earliest memory that Megan has is from about 3 years old, with a spirit at the edge of her bed. This continued as she grew up; as family members would pass on, she would see and be able to talk to them. It wasn't until she started school that she realized that to everyone else this was not "normal". Megan spends her time with clients, contacting deceased loved ones, teaching others to do the same, consulting with local paranormal groups, and writing about spirituality. she is also a minister and performs weddings all over the Rocky Mountain area.