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Intuitive psychic born reader able to sense past,present and future outcomes. Take some time to read my expert services
My natural abilities lie within clairvoyancy, Clairaudiency, Clairsentiency- I use my gifts in accordance with tarot cards as visual validation and this forms the basis of my readings. Unless other wise specified this combination will be what I will use to read your situation- it is a powerful combination and I trust it accordingly. Please take time to read through my expert services. If you choose to have a reading via another form please do not hesitate to email me.
For a very long time, I've been quite aware of how "different" I was.
At the age of 17, I started to accept and embrace my natural abilities of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience.
Due to my openess and acceptance of my natural abilities, I noticed more vivid images, words, and feelings related to people around me. I started to nurture and let my abilites grow at my own pace.
I learned cleansing techniques, healing teachinques and reading techniques, all which have fine tuned me to who I am present. I am a naturally born psychic reader and have always felt closeness with the universe and spiritual world. I am not ashamed of my ability, and no one who possess some sort of connection to the spiritual realm should either. I embrace it and let it guide me to my rightful direction and purpose.
I have been reading for people for about 8 years and will continue to learn, grow and nurture my abilities hereafter.
I can help you with the answers that you seek if you choose to accept my positive energy. I not only give you a reading which is specific to your current situation but i also guide you in how to change/ fix/ become open to ideas and positive energies within in.
I have accepted my spiritual healing gift with an open mind and an open heart. I can pick up your situation and make you see and understand the importance of past and present actions which manifests your future.
Be open to interpertation-let go of expectations. If you are willing to contact me openly and positively, then I can give you a reading that contains truthfullness and clarity.. all elements you seek within your situation.
Code of Ethics
*I will read truthfully so that you have clarity you seek within your situation.
*I will not sugar coat or tell you lies, I will read the situation good or bad
*I will strive to give you as much information as possible
*I will not give out false promises
*I will not give Legal or Medical Advice and will not hesitate to give you a referal to a suitable expert whom I liase with if the need should arise.
*I will sense/read the past, the present and the possible outcome of your situation in regards to your life path currently
*Be Aware that the reading is not set in stone and thus our paths change according to our free will
*Be Aware that others thoughts/decisions and life path will also change according to their free will