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Intuitive psychic born reader able to sense past,present and future outcomes. Take some time to read my expert services


My natural abilities lie within clairvoyancy, Clairaudiency, Clairsentiency- I use my gifts in accordance with tarot cards as visual validation and this forms the basis of my readings. Unless other wise specified this combination will be what I will use to read your situation- it is a powerful combination and I trust it accordingly. Please take time to read through my expert services. If you choose to have a reading via another form please do not hesitate to email me.

For a very long time, I've been quite aware of how "different" I was. At the age of 17, I started to accept and embrace my natural abilities of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. Due to my openess and acceptance of my natural abilities, I noticed more vivid images, words, and feelings related to people around me. I started to nurture and let my abilites grow at my own pace.

I learned cleansing techniques, healing teachinques and reading techniques, all which have fine tuned me to who I am present. I am a naturally born psychic reader and have always felt closeness with the universe and spiritual world. I am not ashamed of my ability, and no one who possess some sort of connection to the spiritual realm should either. I embrace it and let it guide me to my rightful direction and purpose.

I have been reading for people for about 8 years and will continue to learn, grow and nurture my abilities hereafter.

I can help you with the answers that you seek if you choose to accept my positive energy. I not only give you a reading which is specific to your current situation but i also guide you in how to change/ fix/ become open to ideas and positive energies within in.

I have accepted my spiritual healing gift with an open mind and an open heart. I can pick up your situation and make you see and understand the importance of past and present actions which manifests your future.

Be open to interpertation-let go of expectations. If you are willing to contact me openly and positively, then I can give you a reading that contains truthfullness and clarity.. all elements you seek within your situation.

Code of Ethics

*I will read truthfully so that you have clarity you seek within your situation.

*I will not sugar coat or tell you lies, I will read the situation good or bad

*I will strive to give you as much information as possible

*I will not give out false promises

*I will not give Legal or Medical Advice and will not hesitate to give you a referal to a suitable expert whom I liase with if the need should arise.

*I will sense/read the past, the present and the possible outcome of your situation in regards to your life path currently

*Be Aware that the reading is not set in stone and thus our paths change according to our free will

*Be Aware that others thoughts/decisions and life path will also change according to their free will

The following are other forms of readings which I offer here on Destle. If you are interested in any of the following forms of readings, do not hesitate to contact me via email to negotiate your needs.

*Tarot Readings* (avaliable via CHAT and EMAIL) Tarot allows us to see into the past, present and possible future of your current life path and situation. It shows our challenges and provides us with advice for a possible future.

*Chakra Readings*(avaliable via CHATand EMAIL) Your Chakras are energy power points in your body. We have seven major Chakras within our body and if not truely aligned we feel imbalance of inconsistency in our ways- physically, emotionally and spiritually. I am able to intuitively sense your Charkra Blocks and explain the imprtance of Chakra healing to you. I can also provide you with some simple solutions for you to fell more balanced and whole.

*Angel Readings*(avaliable via chat and EMAIL) Angels provide us with information and guidiance from our higher spiritual powers. Our Angels can explain what is happening, what they can see about the situation and provide us with guidance on how to approach it. They will name themselves accordingly and tell you who they are when you ask for guidance.

*Numerology Readings*(avaliable via EMAIL)Numerology is a powerful form of divination. It can tell how a persons personality is, how they life their life, how they react to someone else. You can also use it to forecast the outcome of a situation in question. This reading can be done in conjunction with another person to see your compatibility against each other.

*Fairie Readings*(avaliable via EMAIL) Earth Angels can help you by giving you clarity in yourself, your situation and question. They can also give you guidance about what needs to be done next in order to manifest your future.

*Zodiac Profile Readings*(avaliable via EMAIL) Using your date of birth, i can give you a profile reading about your personality, life, love, financial situation, challenges, problems, and give you advice on how to fix them. This reading can also be done in conjunction with another person to see your compatibility against each other.

*Combination Reading*(avaliable via EMAIL-price varies)I can personalise a reading for you combining any of the above readings in regards to what you would like.

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