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I'm a natural and gifted medium. I'm clairvoyant and empathic.

I have a bachelor degree concerning the major English Language and Literature. My department was Humanities and Letters. Thus, I'm very good at communication skills. I have also an English Teaching Certificate.I have the ability to communicate with people in a very telepathic and patient way.

I'm clairvoyant as a natural medium. Thus, I don't use any tools to read people. I have been reading people for 8 years. I can sense and see images that pop into my mind so that I do my readings in a naturaly way. I can pick up people's energy and I have the ability to read auras. I also have the ability to read past lives. Besides, I read through my own spiritual guides in order to clarify the confusion that has been confronted by the person. I see visions during my readings so that I can help you to overcome your own emotional confusion in your love life. I'm also able to help you to defeat the chaotic environment that you have been through in terms of a career life. If you're confused about the job issue, I can lead you to seek out the true path in your career field as a counsellor. 

Furthermore, I channel with the dead people who had passed away in order to help you overcome your loss. I can bring spiritual messages from your loved ones to you to help you in your grief. I also do a distant healing in order to help the person to get rid of negative energies, stress, anxiety disorder and chronic pains. I know a lot about astral travelling, too. Thus, I can interpret your dreams with regard to astral projection. I can guide you how to improve more in your astral projection journey. I do rituals to bring love, money and health into your life as well. I do my rituals as sending white energy to your way channeling with the guardian angels. I also do some aromatherapy session as another option in order to make a ritual. 

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