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pray mond

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Spiritualist Mediumship and Psychic Readings - Working with spirit to help and guide you.. Call me now and I'll help you make a connection. I don't push to hire!


I deliver my reading with accuracy, Including names and information which could not possibly known to me. I WILL TUNE INTO OUR SPIRIT GUIDES AND LOVED ONES TO RELAY THEIR MESSAGES TO ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR SITUATIONS IT IS MY JOB TO INTERPRET THE THINGS THEY SHOW ME TO HELP PROVIDE AS MUCH HELP AS POSSIBLE. As a medium, I connect with spirit and aim to prove eternal life. I am Clairvoyant and Clairaudient and also sense things around people which may provide you with the advice you seek. I have demonstrated my gifts to the public via church platforms and as one to one readings. Although I can make no demands to spirit, it seems they often give me the information which will help you... I am from England. Prepare for your reading with me and my british accent. Mentally and prayerfuly ask your guides and loved ones for connection with you, thus acheiving a stronger link. Be at one; with calm, peaceful and spiritual feelings. Spirit will find this atmosphere more suitable. A tense mind makes the connection between us difficult. Remove the barriers and let the love flow. It is my aim to give everyone a chance to experience the way I work. I don't class myself as the usual tarot card reader or psychic. Spiritual mediumship Is alot different, I tend to get your loved ones come close and they normally try to advise by impressing onto me feelings and show me symbolic pictures and I also get names and other words pop into my head. In general when people have given my type of work a chance they have gone away happier and satisfied. I then feel you have benefited from my work. Before calling me, please, try to meditate as this is what i will also be doing. I have provided my service on the spiritualist church platform Please bare in mind that working for spirit entails alot of concentration from both parties. Remember to use common sense in some of the questions you have as sometimes it isnt possible to answer questions which are obvious to you. I work with spirit aiming to give you proof of survival.

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