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Hi, my name is Psychic Bobbi I would like to take the time and tell you a little bit about myself. I'm a psychic reader and advisor and I'am here to try and shed some light on the things that might be going on in your life. I've been giving readings for over 25yrs and would love to give you one today. Do you feel LOST and CONFUSED. Not sure if you are HEADED on the right PATH. Wondering what TOMORROW will BRING, or if the PERSON your with is really MEANT for you. Contact me and I would love to answer these questions for you and many more that you might have..... I've been doing readings over 25yrs of my life. Are you in need of answers, or advice, well call now. I do pick up on . Name and/or initials . Timelines . Descriptions . Outcomes . Actions . As well as give Advice....... I do have the ability to pick up on what HE/SHE is THINKING and/or FEELING.....So DONT hesitate any longer contact PSYCHIC BOBBI today for a better tomorrow........DISCLAIMER You must be 18 years of age. Readings do not constitute legal advice or medical conditions/illness. I am not responsible for the outcome of any choices you make personally as a result of your reading.