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i have deep studies and has great expertise over wastu and Feng Shui
i am a Commerce Graduate and did his Honours Degree from Magadh University and also did M.B.A in finance, and master in astrology ,i have spent many years in detailed research and study of Astronomy, Astrology, Numerology,wastu , Feng Shui , Gem-therapy, and Mantras etc .i am master in K.P astrology and teaching since last 3 years ..
i am a strong believer that the actions of our previous lives
determine the present. Every event of the present life which is
beyond our control is predetermined.
i spent many years in detailed research and study of,
Astrology, Numerology, Gem-therapy , wastu, feng shui etc
During the last 7 years he has gone through thousands of
horoscopes and has imparted astrological consultations many people . He has deep
studies of this subject and has great expertise over various
matters such as Health, Money, Shares and Investments, Travels,
Education, Progeny, Litigation, Business and Corporate Matters,
Longevity, Career, Marriage and related matters viz. Romance and
Divorce. etc.
By the Grace of God, he has a good command over ‘Birth Time
Rectification’ since many people who do not know their birth
time still wish to know their future to execute their plans. For
this he requires few major events of life which are beyond the
control of a native such as date of birth of a child, marriage,
education and percentage attained in the exams etc. He also
involves the Ruling Planets at the time of rectifications.