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I will reveal your past lives to you and show you how they are affecting this life. I will show you the karma that you need to overcome.
I am a Master Psychic and Witch with over 20 years experience at reading the tarot cards and runes. I am an elder and 9th degree knight in the coven known as the knights of Wicca. I have published many articles on witchcraft and paganism. I can answer all of your questions. I care about every caller and will show you the truth and how you can shape the future into what you want. I can show you the past, present, or future.
I have been a psychic and witch for over 20 years. I have done thousands of in private practice. I use my third eye and spirit guide, not tarot cards. I am a real psychic. I have a BA in psychology and was trained at the graduate level in Jungian Psychology at a Catholic seminary. I have analyzed over 10,000 dreams.