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Job And Money Psychic ReadingsLove And Romance
$1.99 per minute$psychic money, jon, career, school, bills, child support
Job and Money Psychic readings.
Certified Soul Coaching Master Oracle Card Practitioner and a Certified Law of Attraction Advanced Practitioner.
It is my greatest honor and blessing to work with you. I give honest psychic readings with a completely positive approach. I am a certified Soul Coaching Master Oracle Card Practitioner and a Certified Law of Attraction Advanced Practitioner. Each reading is unique to the individual, as each of us has our unique energy and aura. I have been helping others professionally as a psychic counselor, spiritual healer, clairaudient and a clairvoyant for the past 20years. I have been blessed with these sacred gifts since childhood and I have always been able to see life's answers. I can show you what you need to do to have brilliant success in matters of money and of the heart. I have taken many metaphysical classes to expand in my knowledge such as; Oracle, Tarot, pendulum, Numerology, and Feng Shui, and energy readings. I have taken many metaphysical classes to expand in my knowledge such as; Tarot, pendulum, Numerology, and Feng Shui, and energy readings.