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$1.99 per minute$Well dear I will be charging a very nominal charge of about $15 - 25 for every e-mail reading.
I give accurate reading on your career! Are you in the right job let me help you find Get the TRUTH the ANSWERS you need.
I am a clairvoyant, psychic, seer, empathic, with 12 Years experience doing readings, I have a degree in metaphysics and a psychology major, psychometric, I have been working with psychologists and their clients in psychic guidance for last 8years..!
I have been doing readings for clients professionally for over 10 years. I consider myself a holistic reader...focusing on the Divine, the person and the Spirit. Along with my educational background, I am a Gifted Intuitive Reader.I am a Natural Born Divinely Blessed Intuitive Reader - Blessed with Numerous Celestial Guides. My gift is to get deep into someone's subconscious to tell you what they are thinking, feeling and why they act the way they do. I work by connecting to my celestial guides. I am a TRANCE READER and use my celestial guides to show me in a 'film-like' view of your life and the ones you love. It is presented to me in sounds, in words & pictures with great vivid colour and detail.