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$1.99 per minute$Well dear I will be charging a very nominal charge of about $15 - 25 for every e-mail reading.
Love is blind but loyalty is a concern?if you have thoughts that he/she is cheating or having a affair?Dont waste time thinking Know the truth today call me.
I am a clairvoyant, psychic, seer, empathic, with 12 Years experience doing readings, I have a degree in metaphysics and a psychology major, psychometric, I have been working with psychologists and their clients in psychic guidance for last 8years..!
Let me materialize your feelings towards your soul mate!I help you discover the significance of your love affair, marriage and prime relationship. I have been reading professionally online now I have spent over 12 years reading for my family, friends and coworkers. Life is a flow of connected interactions, and the information provided is meant to be enlightened guidance not an absolute direction. The client receiving the psychic reading is responsible for all of their own choices and actions and you have free will and so do others to make the best choices for your life path. By purchasing a reading , you are acknowledging that you have read, comprehended and agreed with the above disclaimer.