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Literally translated Feng Shui stands for air and water. Its core practice
relates to these two elements and follows their examples to enhance our lives
richly. Both air and water need to flow much like the energy called Chi that
surrounds all things. It must be able to move freely around our environments
enriching all that it touches. When Chi, like air and water, becomes pooled it
becomes stagnant and life becomes harder to sustain. Chi is the energy that
attracts richness and blessing in all aspects of our lives.
Is Feng Shui a religion? No. It is a system by which one arranges their
environment to produce blessings and peace. It teaches us to clear clutter and
rid ourselves of negative aspects so that we are open to receive that which we
desire most. It is affirmative to the things which we most strongly desire. It
is a positive affirmation and reminder to us on a daily basis to allow ourselves
to receive the rich blessings that are ready to pour in on us, whenever we are
ready to receive them. It is a system that is powerful and practiced the world
over by high powered and influential people. It is mystical in sorts as we are
often left wondering why it works so well, but something's are just not
definable. Ask anyone who uses Feng Shui and they will tell you of it's great
blessings in their own lives.
Feng Shui can:
Stimulate financial growth.
Deepen spiritual stamina and understanding.
Bring our families closer together in unity.
Strengthen our love relationships.
Attract favorable friendships and helpful hands.
Bring a sense of peace and stability in all aspects of
our homes.