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What do numbers really mean? What do they represent? Numbers can show the true life path of anyone! Find out today.
I am a Certified Psychic Reader as well as a Certified Spiritual Advisor, Spirituality and Religion, Astrology, Numerology, Psychic Reading, Dream Analysis, Palm Reading, Spell Casting, Love and Relationships, Soul mate Connections, Cheating and Affairs, Breaking up and Divorce Reader, Parents and children problem.
Numbers can show the true life path of anyone! See how closely matched you are with your current or potential relationship partner. Or if you are without a partner, let the numbers tell you how this year will pan out for you in regards to Career, Love, Moves, Personal Growth, Challenges and just about anything else you have questions about.
Number Reading~*~ Full Birth Name Required.
With this you will receive a detailed explanation of the way the world
envisions you even though it may or may not match what you really are inside,
and how to work through it.
Number Reading~*~ . Full Birth Name Required.
This is a detailed explanation of who you really are inside whether or
not you show this to the world, it is what you need to accept and allow to be
put out to the world to feel at peace with yourself.
Year Number~*~ Date Of Birth Required.
This will give you a month by month breakdown of what to expect in the
2006 year.
Numbers Forecast (4 stages)~*~ Date Of Birth Required.
Our lives run in 4 main cycles. The pinnacles are the equivalent to the
lessons needed to be learned during these cycles of our lives journey.
Number Forecast~*~ Date of Birth Required.
These are personal obstacles-emotional blockages-traits that me must
recognize in order to grow and prosper to fulfill our purpose.
Relationship Compatibility Numbers~*~ Dates of Birth & First & Last Name
of both the person Required.
This readings will give you a breakdown of exactly where you have
obstacles, where you are perfectly matched up and what to expect overall in the
relationship. Includes, birth paths, personas, soul numbers, Destiny numbers and
a detailed explanation of each.
See how closely matched you are with your current or potential relationship
partner. Or if you are without a partner.