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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Dr Devendra Pandey

Expertise In:

AstrologyDream Symbols InterpretationGraphologyVedic AstrologyCurses n Spells CheckSuraksha KavachAura Reading


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$1.99 per minute$$50 - $250 depending upon the query, Chat @ $2/minute

Dr. Devendra Pandey is the 12th forbearer of a dynasty of expert astrologers. Consult me and find the difference it shall create in your life.

Dr. Devendra Pandey is an expert in astrological predictions backed by an experience of more than 25 years having his clientele spread through Egypt, Iran, USA, India etc. I have completed the eligibility courses of being a Pandit and an Acharya (which are equivalents of Graduation and Post Graduation).

Dr. Devendra Pandey holds his expertise in astrological predictions of persons and offers solutions for problems faced by people due to adverse planetary positions by way of propitiating the planets.
Just as, when you find that someone is angry with you, you do things or acts that pleases them and you win their favours. Same is the case with planets. If a planet has turned out to be your adversary, you do acts, things and charity in the mode and manner that pleases those planets. Its as simple as that and you go back laughing your through wealth, peace and prosperity. Dr. Devendra Pandey just suggests them to you. The methods are simple, cheap and easy to perform which never disturbs the tenets of the religion that you follow.

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