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AstrologyDream Symbols InterpretationGraphologyVedic AstrologyCurses n Spells CheckSuraksha KavachAura Reading
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If you find that there is some curse or spell cast on you. It can be ascertained almost instantly!
Having the qualification of Pandit and Acharya - the two degrees are equivalent of Graduation and Post-Graduation in Hindu astrology and theology. I also have the advantage our family knowledge acquired by experience over the generations in our family of which I am the 12th for-bearer.
Whether a person is under a spell or a curse, can be understood by asking and getting replies to three ingeniously prepared questions. I have been into it for the past 20 years and have not faced failure in a single case, till date.
I do carry out such checks by an ingenious method prepared by my grand and fore-fathers.
Even fast acting remedies are suggested. Get the check done. If such a thing is cast upon you, you may not succeed in life despite having all the advantages ! Why not have a check ? Its all a matter of a few minutes only.