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I am a Psychic Medium. I have a Bachelors of Science Degree in Para Psychic Science through the American Institute of Holistic Theology
Enter Your Expertise I was born a Psychic Medium in a small city in Montana. I, like many of you, felt different, felt that I knew things but didn’t have any living guidance to assist me with the information that I was getting.Bachelors of Science Degree in Para Psychic Science through the American Now, after nearly 20 years of study, several years of Apprenticing and working on a Bachelors of Science Degree in Para Psychic Science through the American Institute of Holistic Theology, I have brought my work as a Psychic Medium to the public. This work is the thrill of my life, connecting you with your guides, angels and family both here and on the other side. I can’t wait to talk with you! Love, Nicky