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As a gifted psychic and a certified holistic healer i offer helpful insight and guidance in all walks of life love,career,buss,depression and important decisions
My psychic abilities have been tested 98.9% accurate by the academy of arts & science I have a masters degree in palmistry and am certified by Barbrah Brennon School holistic healing
I first experienced my psychic ability at age 4 i had several encounters with my past on Grandmother whom i never had a chance to meet but i was told that i inherit my gifts from her. I’v seen her in dreams and in many visions she told me I would help many people in my life time as she did and that i would be greatly blessed for it as well.I began my spiritual journey at age 9 I would walk up to family members and reveal things to them that no one knew about by 11 years old people would come to me for advise and answeres in many situations and I am proud to say i have helped many.I realise that I have helped many people mostly in problems with love/relationships marriage issues depression and in connection with those who have passed on.I look forward to ading you to the many others i have successfuly been able to help weather it be through insight guidance advise prayer or just a friend to talk to.Hope to meet you soon Love and Blessings