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Love and relationships, depression and distress I will show you there is no future to be afraid of, no past to bring discord into the present,
I am a natural born Psychic. My life-long interest in Meta-Physics, communicating with Angels and Archangels and our Creator, and the desire to be of service has led me to this work. When you depend on it, when your directions depends upon it. My gifts include: Clairvoyant - The gift of seeing-Clairaudient - The gift of hearing-Tarot Master 15 years experience My readings are 99.9% accurate, honest and to the point!
We spend much of our lives wondering about and stressing over our interpersonal relationships. ~°~Don't~Waste~Time~On~ Immatations~Contact~Psychic~Anastacia~For~All~The ~Answers~°~ ~°~ Budding romance, true love, painful infidelity and careless heartbreak -- either it seems that these things are COMPLETELY OUT OF OUR CONTROL or that we will, in the end, always wind up hurt. It's true, love CAN tear us apart! Hello, my name is Anastacia Powers. An innocent exterior notwithstanding, I have lead an exciting life full of both the very positive and, as we all have experienced, the negative. Well travelled and educated both in University (psychology, the arts & humanities) and the school of "hard knocks", I am someone who has truly BEEN THERE. Love, sex, breakups...I have experienced all the beauty and pitfalls of relationships and have made it through this minefield fully empowered and intact. I have also witnessed the tragedy, first-hand, when relationships become a measure of our own self-worth. When we cannot control or "fix" things, we sometimes place the blame on ourselves for the outcome out of helplessness, raw emotion and frustration. Not only is this unhealthy and unwise, it is unfair. YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY in all aspects of your life, as negativity and stress in one area will surely trickle down to effect all others. I will help clarify precisely what you CAN CONTROL, illuminate the things that you can "fix" and can provide REAL, HONEST ANSWERS to the relationship questions that are troubling you with regard to: Romance and attraction Mixed signals and related complications Infidelity, lies and subterfuge Hardship and its effects on the relationship Violence, fighting and abuse Obsession and sexual addiction Fertility, pregnancy and family issues Co-habitance and marriage Dating etiquette, problems and advice Divorce avoidance / acceptance, children and aftermath Alternative lifestyle issues: Gay, bi, fetishes, D/s, etc. Sex, sexual health and more... For your comfort and protection ALL CONVERSATIONS THROUGH THIS SERVICE ARE PRIVATE AND THE INFORMATION DISCUSSED THEREIN WILL REMAIN COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL. I have helped so many once hopeless souls with their difficult relationship issues. Now on Destle, I can help you... Getting it off your chest CAN help. Talking about a problem is the first step in fixing it. Always remember: tomorrow is another day...