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You are entering a mysterious and fascinating world of dreams where the rules of reality do not apply!....

"WHAT DOES MY DREAM MEAN?" Dreams are doorways to the subconscious, pathways to the spirit realm and keys to the future. Dreams serve as a communication line between the invisible and visible worlds. Or, if you prefer, between heaven and earth. A dream is a real-life experience an individual has on another plane. We, in our true nature as Soul, are able to have experiences in a far-reaching panorama of life. Dreams are constantly rehearsing us for challenges and opportunities that lie around the corner in waking life.

~°~ DREAM EXPLORATION Call it Dream Interpretation. Call it Dream Analysis. Dream Analysis is really Dream Exploration! Together, we can explore the meaning of your dreams. Some dreams fall into the "most common dreams" category but many are unique and highly personal and creative. Dream Analysis is fascinating stuff! We all see and forget our dreams. Frightening, happy, emotional or sad dreams … whatever they are, they affect your life and conscious for sure. Believe it or not, your dreams sometimes are hindsight into your future life. If interpreted correctly, your dream is a language of your subconscious. If you've been haunted by a dream, if you MUST know its meaning, then seek out its meaning! The search is exciting. The answers are rewarding. ~°~ You can interpret your dreams! Your dreams are full of symbols and allegories. (Stories that are told that have a meaning other than the story itself.) When you try to decode your dream, you need to dissect it into the separate fragments and examine each for its particular meaning. Each one contains a small nugget of the whole picture. Dreams are composed of a collage of little parts of your own life experience that are stored away in your brain symbolically. ~°~ "EVERY DREAM HAS A MEANING" It's an age old question. Humankind has asked it for thousands of years. And dream readers have created a discipline (both science and art) of immense depth and insight to answer that question. In our dreams, we enter a primal world of emotion, often, fantastic situations and intense visual images. As Jung said, dreams are pure Nature. We are our natural selves in our dreams. Your innermost self is revealed. I would be honored to guide you... ~°~ Dream Analysis - Dream Analysis Reading - Dream Reading - Dream Exploration I realize that your dreams are unique. No other individual can have your background, your emotions, or your experiences. Every dream is connected with your own "reality". Thus, in interpreting your dreams, it is important to draw from your personal life and experiences. If you have a dream that you must know the meaning of Let Me Guide You,Let Me Inspire You,Help You through Your Dreams. ~°~ Dont Waste Precious Time. ~°~ Right Now Any Anxiety You May Have About The Future Is Only An Illusion. Let It Go. Let It Fade Away As The Beauty And Perfection Of Right Now Wash Over You. ~°~ The Best Thing You Can Do For The Future Is To Live With Everything You Have In The Present. ~°~ The Creative Impulse in Dreams There is an archetypal creative impulse woven into the fabric of every dream. Sometimes this creative energy is clearly visible to the dreamer, but more often it is hidden by the emotional experience of the dream. It may require an unusual effort of imagination (often aided by the suggestions and assistance of other people) to bring the dream's message more fully into the light of conscious self-awareness, but with carefu Experience & Qualifications Welcome ... My Name Is Anastacia .I Have Been Studying In Dream Analysis For 12 Years. I am a believer of truth, whatever one may deem that to be. Each person has their own truth and it is this truth, that guides their actions. I am here to uplift, inspire and clarify. ~°~ There are as many different pathways as there are people on this Earth. We all know intuitively that there is more to life than whatever limited reality we now experience. We long to awaken to the depths of who we are and what life could be. Whatever temporary yearnings may preoccupy us - for less pain and more joy, for a fulfilling relationship or for meaningful work there is something that calls to us from deep within. We want to know the truth about life and we want to feel love in our hearts. ~°~ Consultations With Me I believe that all have the power within to make the choices to pursue the path in life they wish. Each of us must walk our own path (not that dictated by another) to fulfill our soul's desire. This part of my guidance is geared on helping you find YOUR path and tools you have brought in with you for this lifetime. ~°~ My purpose is not to take your power away from you, each of us require assistance from time to time in clearing up a "cloud" around a situation, however; my goal is to assist YOU in finding the center of YOU the place within where all true answers are found whereby; we find our true empowerment. ~°~ Philosophy I seek to understand rather than to be understood. Gifted by the grace of God, I am a natural born psychic with clairvoyant, clairsentient and clairaudient gifts. This means that Spirit communicates to me in words, images and feelings which I translate and share with you. ~°~ I am a Noetic Scientist and Futurist. I am a direct psychic and mediumistic channel, relationship and spiritual coach, ordained Spiritualist Minister, teacher, But not in that order! I have been guided by Spirit throughout the last 15 years to walk this path. ~°~ "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of the Universe. Your playing small does not serve the World. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel unsure around you. We were born to manifest the glory that is within us. It is not in some of us; it is in everyone. As we let our own Light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fears, our presence liberates others." ~°~ There is a dream, dreaming us ... let me be your guide. At some point in our lives, we all find that we need help seeing possibilities. We need someone who is trained to be a better observer than we are - at observing ourselves, someone who can offer new interpretations and options. Get ready for newness of life and the refreshing of your mind, body and spirit. There is a well of tranquility available to you here and now is the time to drink. I invite you to search your heart with meaningful meditation. Consider the ideas expressed to you here. My purpose is to counsel in areas of the heart and healing to bring about deliverance and liberty to the oppressed mind, body and spirit. ~°~ The Obstacle is the Path Set backs, set ups and come backs! This is all a part of being a walking talking living being in another world. call me! for your dream result!

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