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I have been receiving heartfelt and highly accurate angelic readings and spiritual assistance throughout America, Canada and South Africa since I was eight years of age. I read for people from all walks of life, all of my life; as a way of life .

My calling is to help you in all and any situations, single or multiple, simple or complex problems; once and for all to assist you in your concerns,uncovering your authentic life, destiny, partner, etc. As a spiritual and physical consultant and life coach; from the advise of your higher power I translate back to you.

Authentic Rromani Gypsy Traditional Spiritual Arts

 My calling is to help you in all and any situations, single or multiple, simple or complex problems; once and for all to assist you in your concerns,uncovering your authentic life, destiny, partner, etc. As a spiritual and physical consultant and life coach; from the advice of your higher power I translate back to you

 I can help you to turn your life around no matter the situation.

 It does not matter how far you've come, what is your past or circumstance, who has deceived you, who you love and why, I can help you and provide the confirmation your heart and mind needs 

Proven benefits to your life in every direction, within and throughout: 

Inner freedom, enlightenment and bliss. 
A positive, safe, enjoyable and serene life changing experience that can be applied to improve one's life significantly.
 Specific information to each person's life for all and any individual question, situation or circumstance. Professional, ethical and compassionate service is assured. Finances, destiny, uncovering hidden truths, new beginnings, midlife changes…all and any area of life, simple or multiple more complex issues.

I understand the need to feel truly listened to, and I provide a safe and confidential service that is honest and sacred. I offer my services with the utmost compassion, understanding and non-judgment.

I focus on helping people to learn how to utilize their own intuition and healing abilities from their own higher power. Most of the clients who have received my healing services in the past are no longer in need of my services today, some need one day, several weeks or even years depending.

I also have clients who benefit greatly from just consulting with me periodically.

I will always seek to work with you in the way that is most appropriate and rewarding for your healing and growth.

 Now that my children are grown I am traveling again and my intention is to conduct the beautiful reading services while I travel to sacred sites, peace gatherings, expos, public speaking engagements and am involved with elders in global prayers and sacred spiritual practices to help lift the consciousness for our planet and humanity.

I am a mother of three beautiful daughters and one amazing grandson and an active member in my community.

A Few Of The Thousands Of Testimonials From My Satisfied Clients: 

 Tarot Readers 6/23/2014 sierrajoy. " Her predictions is true and what makes her specials is she cares and there is always a connection every time I talk to her. She is my angel and she guides me through my life. Very gifted and special... Thanks."

Tarot Readers  5/13/2014 tiffb28 5 stars. "She told that my guy was not in same place emotionally as I was. turns out she was right. She is really deal."  

Spiritual Readings 10/26/2012 gemneye 5 stars. "Wonderful reading, excellent gifted reader. Being a double Gemini with Aquarius Rising I am always in motion. As such, I have been in tons of shops, and had many readings. Also, I am a reader. I have experienced the fake Gypsy scam readers. This lady is NOT one of them. She is the real deal, and if you listen carefully, and apply what she is telling you to your situation you will see how accurate she is. Wow! My energy level is elevated just by talking with you, Tamara. Thank you so much for the clarity, sister. Thank you for the inspiration. I promise to do good things." 

Spiritual Readings "I waited for to give this feedback because the reading was long, and It was a month ago. But I will tell you this...EVERYTHING that she told me has come to pass. This woman knows her stuff, and I will call her again! I really thought she was making stuff up, but i know she is honest, because things happened exactly the way she said it. I can’t even stop thinking about it, that's how amazing it is! TEN STARS!!!"

 Spiritual Readings  2013. "Tamara you are awesome! Everything that you say from the readings comes true, and thank you for everything. Love and beyond is essential for helping in my life for my energy to keep positive and everything in my life to come fluently without expecting."

 Spiritual Readings /6/24/2012/Brat9955/5 stars. "Tamara was very helpful. Her cards told me what to work on in myself to manifest better things in my life. She warned me of negative words and explained how to let go of the negativity and anger in a constructive way, without harming anyone else with my words. In a previous reading she warned me of safety from a prowler - to be on guard. I had a very scary situation come up at home - which turned out fine, but I was ready for it because of her warning. Great reading, great adviser. I will call again". 

Spiritual Readings 7/26/2013 samuel1228 5 stars. "So Tamara said I would have vivid dream and to take note. I did last nite. My x came running back to me, but it didn't look like her. Long story shorter. I was also told that a sign would confirm that it was her. Today I turned a corner in my car and she was walking toward me. We both made contact . Likelihood of that in downtown? miniscule

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