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$2.99 per minute$60.00 For all email readings I will need to know your name
Evolving Nature, Rromani Authentic Traditional Healing Arts. "Ancient Intuition Services for Enlightened Practical Living"
I was trained in the healing arts as a Dobodni (oracle reader),
Patragri (Rromani herbalist),Shovihana (Rromani shamanic healing practices) as a tribal American Rromani.
I have consulted for the Evergreen Liberal Arts College on the History and Spiritual Culture of the Rromani.I am a student of Rromani Anthropology, human rights activist and currently study towards my PHD to document Rromani spiritual and herbal medicine and protocol My Mentor in this scholastic endeavor is Ian Hancock,PHD Director of the Rromani Archives at the Texas University, Austin Texas and International best selling Author.
I have been receiving genuine, highly accurate and heartfelt readings throughout America, Canada and South Africa since eight years of age. For over 35 years I have given readings for thousands of people, from colleges to corporations, Government officials, blue collar workers to celebrities. Through private practice,alternative healing expos,metaphysical businesses, resorts,renaissance fairs, wellness centers; from weekend markets to Malibu California celebrity parties.To assist people from all walks of life as a way of life…all of my life.
Evolving Nature - Authentic Rromani Healing Arts An Indigenous, Conscious and Ethical Company...
Tamara offers a safe, enjoyable experience that can be used to improve one’s life significantly. She assists clients in honing their intuition through an experience that brings voice to their spiritual selves in an enlightened yet tangible way. Tamara’s readings offer specific information for all individual questions, situations or circumstances. Professional, ethical and compassionate service is always assured.
I provide services for life changing positive results and I am ready to work with you on whatever specific issue is seen to be needing attention in your life path at that time.
As a witness, reader, and collaborative problem solver, I will consult with you on any aspect of your life including: medical intuition, relationships, soul mates, faithfulness, betrayal, lost loves, the return of a love and or soul mate. finances, destiny, uncovering hidden truths, new beginnings, midlife changes…all and any area of life, simple or multiple more complex issues.
I understand the need to feel truly listened to, and I provide a safe and confidential service that is honest and sacred. I offer my services with the utmost compassion, understanding and non-judgment.
I focus on helping people to learn how to utilize there own intuition and healing abilities from their own higher power. Most of the clients who have received my healing services in the past are no longer in need of my services today, some need one day, several weeks or even years depending.I also have clients who benefit greatly from just consulting with me periodically.
I will always seek to work with you in the way that is most appropriate and rewarding for your healing and growth.
Is he my Soul mate? Is he in love with me? Is he betraying me or do I have useless doubts and jealousy? Can and how do I win his affection back and respect? Will he ever come back and if so when? Is there someone who is around me or coming to me that I can fall in love with and marry, if so..when? If he is not good for me, is there a way to be free of my feelings for him? Can my marriage be healed and if so how? Are they meant to be together? Is this a good time for my business investment? Should I make that move now? Should I invest now? Will I get that job? Will my work situation improve? Will I get that promotion Is there a way to help my children? Is there a way to help heal them from divorce or mistakes I made? Can I help them with their own problems and for them to listen to me more? Is someone deceiving or betraying me? Are my friends faithful,positive influences in my life? How do I rid jealousy and insecurity from my life? How do I come from love and not fear? How do I attract what I want and not what I do not? How is my spiritual perception and awareness in relationship to my higher power? Am I on a good path in life spiritually? How can I blend my physical survival with my high ideals and goals? How
do I get what I want,dream and experience the fun, love, balance and
abundance I believe exist ? how do I experience it again? How do I succeed while remaining true to myself? NOTE: Please do not confuse these services with those that would exploit psychic services of any race, including our own ethnic minority. There is an estimated 15-20 million Rromani world wide whose origins are documented to begin in India. They are the largest minority in Europe and only a small minority conduct fraudulent versions of our practices, as there is those of every race and persuasion who do this as well. Bottom line for clarity; I do not tell people they have curses on them, do not sell large candles for thousands of dollars and although I am trained authentic of what the dishonest people claim in ancient spell crafting, I work only for positive intentions and results, at a fair price according to policies allowed at this site. I am a humble woman of powerful faith and healing ability for the highest reasoning; please do not stereo type anyone due to the corruption of others and their disillusion quest for greed.
Reasons for coming to this site? Opportunity if offers to be in private practice and travel simultaneously. Te aves ty te beshes undo sastimous ty raadna, baxtasa latchi (So you receive and remain in happiness,peace with good spiritual and earthly good fortune;0)