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GemologyNumerologyTarot ReadingVedic AstrologyCompatibility CheckSuraksha KavachCareer Forecasts
$1.99 per minute$Single Question : $ 10 to $ 20(US dollars)depending upon the matter/length of the reading. 3 Questions : $ 20 (US dollars) 1 Month Predictions : $ 20 (US dollars) 6 Month Predictions: $ 60 (US dollars) 1 Year Predictions: $ 90 (US dollars) Annual Birthday Prediction [varshaphala] Simple: $50 (US dollars) Annual Birthday Prediction Detailed : $ 100 (US dollars) Muhurta: $ 15 (US dollars) for marriage Muhurta: $ 25 Lucky Gemstone: $ 10 (US dollars) Lucky Name, Number: $10 (US dollars)
Everything you want to know about your career or business.
1. Certificates of bible courses in 1978,1980 and 1981. 2. Gita rasik and Gita maraal by Mathura-Vrindavan school,Shri Krishna Janamsthan Seva sansthan 3. Certificate of recognition by World Bible School, America in 1981. 4. Jyotish alankar and Jyotish acharaya by Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan ,New Delhi and also learnt Western Astrology.
For Already Employed or in Business: $20 (US Dollars)
- General potential of your birth chart.
- Predictions of dasha till antardasha level of the year.
- Possibility of rise or downfall within the year.
- Relationships at workplace.
- Change of job/business.
- Possible gains/loss.
- Remedies- propitiation of planets, healing to make improvements.
For Students: to know which stream is useful for their career. $20 (US Dollars)
Requires birth details of both the partners.
2. Stability of partnership.
3. Suitability of the partnerships for both partners.
4. Temperament compatibility towards each other.
5. Suitable work areas for each person.
6. Good and bad period for each person and suggestions to overcome them.
7. Prosperity and good luck together.
8. Conclusion.
This report covers the transit- i.e. the effect of present position of minor planets – Mars, Venus and Sun through your natal planets – planets present in your birth chart, that are concerned to your career. The result is blended with running vimshottari dasha also.