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GemologyNumerologyTarot ReadingVedic AstrologyCompatibility CheckSuraksha KavachCareer Forecasts
$1.99 per minute$Single Question : $ 10 to $ 20(US dollars)depending upon the matter/length of the reading. 3 Questions : $ 20 (US dollars) 1 Month Predictions : $ 20 (US dollars) 6 Month Predictions: $ 60 (US dollars) 1 Year Predictions: $ 90 (US dollars) Annual Birthday Prediction [varshaphala] Simple: $50 (US dollars) Annual Birthday Prediction Detailed : $ 100 (US dollars) Muhurta: $ 15 (US dollars) for marriage Muhurta: $ 25 Lucky Gemstone: $ 10 (US dollars) Lucky Name, Number: $10 (US dollars)
I have been blessed powers to heal others. Suraksha Kavach, mantra chants, gems wearing, lucky charms
Honored by Gita Rasik and Gita Maraal. Reiki Master.
Expert in mantra chants.
Make specified personalized yantras and initiate them.
Gemmology- suitable Gem Prescription.
Psycho Analysis.
Vedic Remedies - propitation of planets.
Relocation Astrology- to know the best suitable place that is lucky for career or love.
Healing through suggestive placing of things in the living place.
Remove Negative vibes.
Improvement of Health, Career and love matters.