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feng shui expert online

Expertise In:

Chinese AstrologyFeng ShuiI Ching


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Looking for ways to increase abundance? find love? feel better physically? look to the ancient art of feng shui for answers!

I have been studying the feng shui way of life for years . my great grandmother taught me from my very early age all that she knew from the many years . Certified Relationship Counselor, Social Worker (BSW), Feng Shui Placement Expert


As per I know when China was under imperial rule, feng shui was a secret, as it was known only to a some of astronomers and scientists commissioned with maintaining the health, wealth, and power of the court.

Feng shui can be used to decide the location, construction, and architectural features of buildings, the placement and style of furniture, colors and decorating schemes, and the location of plantings, paths, and other outside features. By creating a more pleasing atmosphere, feng shui has been credited with improving family communication, restoring employee cooperation, and increasing a store's sales.



Feng Shui may assist you in:

* Increasing your income.
* Heightening your creative abilities.
* Creating healthy fame & reputation.
* Developing a career that is satisfying.
* Improving your physical and emotional health.
* Being loving and accepting of family members.
* Attracting loving, committed, healthy intimate relationships.
* Being benevolent to those truly in need and attracting benevolent others.
* Gaining knowledge & education that will lead you to a more fruitful path.
* Discerning who to engage for positive personal and professional relationships.



Over 5000 years ago, powerful Chinese emperors guarded the ancient wisdom and science of how one's environment influences energy - for better and for worse. The foundation for Feng Shui comes from the I-Ching. One of the great Chinese philosophical texts, the I-Ching describes all movements and developments of every event or phenomenon in the universe. It has been used for divination and for philosophical guidance for thousands of years and is an important component in the formation of Feng Shui theories and principles. The I-Ching is also the source for the ba gua, or Feng Shui map, which is divided into eight sections surrounding a central area. Each section represents and different aspect of one's life.

Feng Shui, literally means wind and water. It is an ancient Chinese study of the natural environment. Feng Shui can determine the best or most favorable location for anyone and assist that person to avoid their worst or least desirable location in any environment. This environment can be at the office, home, or any place that they are at. Feng Shui makes the determination based on the year the individual is born, the environment surrounding them, and through the movements of the solar system.

Throughout ancient China, classical Feng Shui was a closely guarded discipline used as a tool to ensure the good health, wealth, and power of the imperial dynasties. The keepers of this secret knowledge were the Feng Shui masters, the highly respected scientists and astronomers who were charged with sustaining the good fortune and prosperity of the royal court.
Feng Shui teaches us that the universe has a natural order, rhythm and flow. They called this artful science Feng Shui (meaning wind and water). They learned how to attract positive, successful energy and how to deflect negative, inauspicious energy. For thousands of years, this knowledge was a closely guarded secret, using it for themselves to control their empires and build supreme wealth.

Feng Shui helps us get in tune with this universal energy with strategic use of colors, symbols, flowers and furniture. The more you incorporate Feng Shui into your home or office, the more the universe will support you in manifesting your goals. When you attract positive energy to your home, and in your life, you'll be able to enhance your love life, improve your health and increase prosperity.

Feng Shui is based upon a set of theories and complex calculations derived from the Yi Jing. This includes an in-depth understanding and application of the theories of Yin and Yang, along with the balancing of the Five Elements (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood) and taking into account the physical relationship between the natural environment and the magnetic field. The principles can be applied to any style of building or decorating, not just to Chinese or Asian modes.


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