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9 secrets for next 9months.Will it bad/good time for u? Highest Repeated Clients, Powerful Healer; FastConnection;MostUseful in Complicated Love Life.Healing shortens Timefram
I love various spiritual arts; spiritual prayers; meditation; pranayam; mantra and fasts are very effective tools to build and guide energies
Mysterious 2009 - next months are very much my sterious and full of suspense. God will be back on earth, only god knows suspense of calendars, brigth light is coming holy spirit is coming. There are 9 secrets for next 9 months. Our ancient Vedas showing pushya nakshtra with other important factors like Thursday, 27th august; sun and moon will also in same house. is it the date?lets see how world(yug ) gets end and how new chapter on earth astarts.