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I have always had feelings since I can remember. I can see thru all masks. I can see the spirit world and help you to see your path. Guidance and guiding you on your path.
I love various spiritual arts; spiritual prayers; meditation; pranayam; mantra and fasts are very effective tools to build and guide energies.MBA
I am a professional astrologer and spiritual advisor with more than 15 years' experience. I am proficient in astrology, tarot, numerology, feng shui, and many other mystery schools.
I have written and lectured extensively on the subject. My clients come from all over the world because I give them practical, honest insight, without all the cosmic mumbo jumbo... My readings emphasize free will and personal evolution, because I am far more interested in showing you how to utilize the planetary energies than I am in dazzling you with my psychic abilities. I believe that everybody has free will and should use it! The universe does not WANT us to blindly follow our "destinies" if there is a better way, a more loving way, a more prosperous way, or a more enlightened way! I believe that we DO have choices, and we CAN change our destinies. So I strive to give you honest, reliable, accurate and sincere information, and then show you how to use it.