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Mysterious 2009 - next 9 months are very much mysterious and full of suspense. God will be back on earth, only god knows suspense of calendars, bright light is coming holy spirit is coming; god is coming. There are 9 secrets for next 9 months. Our ancient Vedas showing pushya nakshtra with other important factors like Thursday, 27th august; sun and moon will also in same house. Is it the date?Lets see how world (yug) gets end and how new chapter on earth starts. It is scary news but not much time left. Maya said 21st Dec 2012 will be last date of this world.Is it right date? Ask more.. Spiritual guide- I diagnose the problem by my unique spiritual method which you can not experience anywhere. I will help you to get spiritual cure for this problem too. Spiritual Healing and realignment of energies will help you in many ways. I am having ability to understand situation and can easily guide you to get a suitable direction at various level of life. I have been studying these arts for years. I also perform and develop healing technique, using the universal energy, another of my gifts includes the ability to give mantra for every situation for helping to have upper hand. There is no reason to be alone or to be frustrated and confused about your current situation. Have very spiritual plus scientific way to guide yourself.