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Yogiraj Astrologer

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spirit love guru

Psychic Medium, with the power to heal and predict the future in love, life and health.


I am a Psychic with wide experience in consultations - I have appeared in psychic fairs and have a unique talent of the after life connection in the spiritual world. Predictions made with accuracy and depth of knowledge.


Experienced in casting spells.

A Psychic Reading will show you the path, but the steps you take must be your own. Every reading is different. It can uncover past fears or future triumphs. A lot of what you get out of a reading is what you are expecting. It is important to remember that a reading is about you. A reading tells you where you are going from where you are at. If you change where you are at, you will also change where you are going. With that in mind, if there is something in a reading you wish to avoid, we can discuss how to change it. There is often homework -- exercises you can do after your reading to help things along.



A Psychic Reading will make you look at your life in honest terms. If you have denial of any kind - it will be confronted with a Psychic Reading. Destructive behaviors as well as Divine Love will be embraced and recognized. Psychic Readings reveal honest choices you need to make to change your life. Nothing is set in stone, timelines do shift, there are changes that are according to where you are heading. Just because a reading from 2 months ago was directing you in a particular journey, that journey should be followed, otherwise the route is changed to bring different results. If I know I-95 will take you from North to South, and it will take you 5 hours if you stay on the I-95 route, the timeline and the route is predicted. If you detour, or make changes, then not only the duration of the journey changes, but the path you go on is different. You have to understand that a psychic reading is about choices, and where you get to from making certain choices. This is why sometimes you will see why certain predictions don't happen because you are not willing to stay on the route to success because either life becomes demanding for you to change that route, or you cannot stay on it for other reasons.


Spiritual Paths


There are as many Spiritual Paths as there are people in the world. Each one leads to the same place. A few paths intersect and some paths take the traveler on long journeys through deserts and mountains. Some paths go through obstacle courses and some are straight roads. Quite a few paths merge along the way, and some even turn onto super highways or major world religions. All paths have lessons to be learned and wonders to be seen. No one path is better than any another. The lessons to be learned are the same. Psychic Readers specialize in exploring these paths and recognizing these lessons.




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