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$1.99 per minute$$120 standard (20 minutes) & $200 in-depth (50 mins)
Are you single, lonely and frustrated? Are you looking for a special someone? Want to know who is around the corner?Dating & Confused? Let me help you
Painful issues like love and relationship problems, and feeling lonely or any other question regarding your loved one and partner? Please contact me with an open mind so I can connect with your energy. After the reading and based on the situation, I would give you a full advice and take you through each step to try and get the happiness back in your life.Painful issues like love and relationship problems, and feeling lonely or any other question regarding your loved one and partner? Please contact me with an open mind so I can connect with your energy. After the reading and based on the situation, I would give you a full advice and take you through each step to try and get the happiness back in your life.
I am an intuitive psychic reader and have helped several clients in the past. I am offering my services through Kasamba so I can try and help as many possible. I also do readings through fire method, calirovance, tarot reading and spiritual reading and meditation. Please refer to the feedback left by other members for me. Please do not hesitate to contact me with your questions.I do not do spell work at all.Let me help you to solve any problems like love & relationship,career,finance,problems with children or any burning queation in your mind.