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Character analysis * Life-Purpose * Excellent Numerological Advice * Expertise in Gematriyah & other systems * Names for babies * Career Advice * Future-Forecasts
Reverend certified Reiki Practitioner Spiritual Healer. Studied for seven years at the feet of Masters in Kabbalah, drinking from their well-springs of The Infinite Wisdom. WELCOME I offer advice in Character-analysis, Life-Purpose, Karma, with accurate information and knowledge in Numerology.
With access to the secrets of soul-reincarnation, the dynamics of the Soul, its' Spiritual links and aspirations, LightSoul helps with Life's challenges, providing direction and knowledge of one's own unique purpose. COMMENTS FROM CLIENTS:
Exactly what was needed :) No thanks can be enough for the help in this :)
We use the ancient wisdom of numerology, a science of the secrets hidden numerically in each person's name and date of birth. We can offer advice in giving names for babies, in correct character assessments for career purpose or employment, and can examine Karma debts and any lessons to be learnt.
We are also expert in graphology, which can be combined with numerology, to give further depth to the reading.
Thank you a million, SH. You have been a tremendous help to me, Thank you again for your wisdom and insight.
Thanks a lot for the wonderful comfort. You have no idea. Ho wmuch blessing I am sending your way!!
WHoever you are, S.H., you are just such a blessing I can't begin to say, you gave me the courage I needed to try to solve this.