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99.99% accuracy in card reading, tarot and playing cards. Ask any question.
Reiki Healer 2nd degree, Certified in Applied Vedic Astrology.
99.99% accuracy in card reading, tarot and playing cards. Ask any question. I have helped alot of clients with my card reading and continue to amaze. A great natural psychic,always able to reach into the paranormal,his gifts were increased after a near death experience. Now more powerful and accurate then before, Soul-Helper uses these gifts to help others, helping to guide others on a path most beneficial to them, giving insight on matters important to his clients. His accuracy is amazing, his advice honest,open,and to the point. I’m a Psychic Teacher and come from a long line of Psychics and mediums. I’m naturally Gifted with Spiritual Intuition and Insight All my life I have helped people with guidance And love for Humanity I am here to give True Insight and messages. The greatest thing in this life is to see people happy and have inner peace, without the pain and suffering of waiting. I teach Psychic Development. I have worked with the angels for many years of my life.And their Eternal Light. Who are you, why are you here, and what is your transition you need to be experiencing? In this life i am hear to help you with the understanding of all life's issues and to guide you in all matters of the heart, mind ,and spirit; In Relationships , Business, Career, Family Life, and Marriage, Personal Growth and Emotional Well-Being.
Author of published works and co-author of translation of classical Kabbalistic works.