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Character-analysis Palm-reading, past present and future reading, and excellent advice!! **PALM READING SPECIALIST** Empathic soul....
Reverend certified Reiki Practitioner Spiritual Healer. Studied for seven years at the feet of Masters in Kabbalah, drinking from their well-springs of The Infinite Wisdom. Over twenty years experience & practice in this field. WELCOME With access to the secrets of soul-reincarnation, the dynamics of the Soul, its' Spiritual links and aspirations, LightSoul helps with Life's challenges, providing direction through knowledge of one's own unique purpose.
I use a unique knowledge of palmistry and physiology, incorporating the age-old wisdom of numerology. Simply send a scan of your palms or discuss online.
Over the past twenty or so years, I have done readings for people from all walks of life, helping and advising as appropriate.
I have sat for seven years at the feet of the top Masters in Kaballah, drinking from their well-springs of The Infinite Wisdom. I have worked in conjunction with other authors on the revision and publication of Classical works in the field of Kaballah, and for several years have advised and helped others with the wisdom at our disposal.