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$2.33 per minute$Each subject/character to be read upon - $25.00
LightRae amazes and guides you through confusing and painful cycles while shedding a new light on the future and explaining how to get the best from choices to be presented.
LightRae has studied metaphysics since childhood and was brought up in a Spiritual household. LightRae has owned and operated a Metaphysical/Mystical center/store, offering divination, intuitive readings, aura readings, spell kits, charged candles, workshops, meditation circles, prayer circles, intent circles and light work. All of which LightRae was either running, managing or teaching. LightRae has read for clients in shops along the east coast, through phone lines, via email and online chat for 25+ years. For over 25 years LightRae has belonged to Metaphysical and Spiritual Churches and has participated in workshops on readings, colors and the laws of life.